Posts tagged ‘Hilary Clinton’

April 14, 2014

Hilary Clinton Victim to Another Flying Shoe

by MullOverThis

Did this nincompoop actually throw a shoe at Hilary Clinton? You see what happens when lunatics grow up in a world where they are not taught to respect significant world changers?

Random thoughts:

1.  And to think, there would be a “whole lotta” men who would be roped in by that long blond hair. Look, nutjobs come with all shades of hair color.

2.  Hilary did not “dodge” the shoe. Clearly, she reacted to the footwear flying past her head.  Looky right ova here. Once she took that “swerve”, I can see that agility that probably has former President Bill Clinton hooked.

3.  I wonder what kind of shoe this woman forfeited. She must have really disliked the Mrs. Hilary Rodham Clinton to sacrifice a shoe.

4.  This is one instance in which I would have loved to see Hilary whack somebody. I would have looked the other way and reacted similarly to the way Mrs. Clinton did, AFTER I saw her “handle up” on the shoe-thrower as she did when the shoe flew past her skull.

5.  When the loose cannon sits in jail and hopefully gets a good dose of prison, she might want to think about what matters in the total scheme of life and get one.




September 9, 2008


by MullOverThis

Allegedly Philip J. Berg has filed a lawsuit challenging Barack Obama’s citizenship and eligibility to become the next President of the United States of America.    Mr. Berg claims that the case is NOT DISMISSED, and currently in the federal courts.  Visit the site below for a portion of the press release, case docket number/file name, court of competent jurisdiction, basis of the claim against NObama, and other supporting documentation.

This means that if NObama is disqualified in enough time, the DNC will meet with other Democratic leaders and institutions to determine who will be the Democratic Nominee.  Send the DNC a message that if this lawsuit is valid, and NObama hi-tails himself back to congress, there is no question to be determined.  The Hilary needs to be appointed.  Eighteen million Americans have already spoken.  We want Hilary. I’d love to see the Obamaniacs give Hilary and the Democratic Party the unity they require of Hilary supporters. 

The Hilary  will eat McCain and Palin for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



September 2, 2008


by MullOverThis

Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America, selected Sarah Palin, current governor of Alaska, as his running mate.  Sarah Palin is the woman that Senator McCain expects the American public to support as Vice President of the United States.  McCain must have missed the Vice Presidency job description briefing.  This individual will be the acting President if he became incapacitated, and the President if he dies in office.  The only critical questions are who are McCain’s advisers, what part of his foot did McCain use to make this decision, and who is going to play “mother” to Sarah Palin’s five children while she may be the Vice President of the United States for up to eight years. 

Governor Palin has been hammered throughout the media and across dining room tables all over this nation as the most fool-hearty Vice Presidential pick since Dan Quayle.  The thought of Sarah running this country–if McCain succumbed during his Presidential term–is equally humorous and frightening at the same time:  Not because she has no national experience or foreign policy experience.  Governor Palin is a Christian and vocal anti-abortioncide politician.   She was a small town mayor and is currently in her first term as an executive leader as the Alaskan Governor, and is only running for Vice President.  The Democratic Nominee for President, Senator Barack Obama, has only one completed US senatorial term under his belt, and no executive or foreign policy experience.  Yet eighteen million people and counting have fallen prey to his charisma, wisdom in hiring and following the counsel of advisers, consultants, and marketing/media experts, and personal leadership style.  So the alarm for “what in the world is happening to our country” had already sounded when we put our incumbent President in office.  Then we had the nerve to put him in office again.  We are to believe that the best of the hopefuls include Obama (the most competent thing we’ve seen in political pull-ups who at least has a real adult politician on his ticket, Senator Joseph Biden) who is running against someone who we hope doesn’t take an earthly exit while in office (McCain, coupled with someone who just came out of the birth canal, yippee Governor Palin).  Has John McCain ever heard of the expression “the pot calling the kettle black”?  Obviously Obama’s relative inexperience cannot be a further concern for the GOP when their VP pick is a glorified soccer mom who just woke up as a politician, and desperately needs a 2008 savvy hairdresser and stylist.

With McCain’s selection of Governor Palin, I have a serious noteworthy proposal.  He can continue to solicit the support of pro-Hilary Obama defectors by appointing my mom as the Secretary of State.  I promise McCain, fingers crossed and hope to die live, that he will not find any scandalous incriminating evidence in my mother’s closet.  Nope.  Nada.  Zilch.  She is good to go and excellent at diplomacy.  If Palin can manage her 9,000, and be suitable for Vice President, then certainly my mom is qualified with over 30 years in the medical field to be the Secretary of State.  By the way, she has not interviewed with MTV political commentators like Governor Palin, but she has watched enough CNN, MSNBC and FOX News and argued with the political pundits (unbeknownst to them) in her own family room.  And, trust me, she takes them down every time.  My mom would at least have enough sense to hire the right personnel, and take their advice.  McCain could speak to my mother–maybe even twice or three times which is considerably more than he bothered to spend with Governor Palin–to be oversecure that she is the right woman for the job.  And, the whip cream on top asssurance McCain would have is true feminists wouldn’t have to be alarmed about her defying the advances of women who have proven that they can do it all–work and be real mothers at the same time.  All of my mom’s children are grown adults. Sarah Palin is the one with five children, four of whom are under age 18. This nation should not have to look at Governor and hopefully never Vice President Sarah and wonder does she know where her children are today.  Oh yeah, their father, the hired nannies and secret service agents will have to nurture her young.

With all of the criticisms of Governor Palin as the GOP Vice Presidential pick, the absent critique,  which is of utmost concern to this blogger is, is this true feminism?  A mother of five (with four young children) so engaged in her career that she didn’t have enough sense to say “no” when she got the invitation to run all over the country campaigning and could possibly have to put her children on hold for the next four to eight years, is supposed to be the picture of family values.  REAL mothers don’t write paychecks to pay other people to be the principle caretakers of their children.  Governor Palin just allegedly had a son with Down’s Syndrome.  The first few years of a Down’s child’s life are the most critical for development and will largely predict his ability to grow to be personally independent.  So, to the wiseguys who thought Hilary supporters would be drawn to the GOP ticket because Governor Palin is a female missed it.  Hillary mothered Chelsea Clinton.  Well-rounded women who are not selfish hedonists take care of the basics first.  Young human beings who did not ask to be conceived and born have a right to have a mother who is perfectly capable of being a mother to them, do what she signed on to do when she gave birth to each of them.  Governor Palin needs to go somewhere and sit down instead of contributing to the reason why so many of our children continually become inept adults.

This appointment to the GOP ticket shows that McCain is in this to win at the cost of our nation’s future if something happens to him.  If his judgment led him to pick Palin, then my judgment leads me to pick anyone but him.  Hilary. Palin. They can’t even be typed in the same sentence, more or less compared.  Obama/Biden may win by default.  Regardless of how much pro-Hilary voters may not have wanted to choose Obama, no one in their right mind can put someone in office who just may leave us with Palin as the President of the United States of America.  President Palin.  Someone, please get me an icepack. Now, I must retire and account for each precious moment.   I’m expecting a phone call from McCain’s camp any moment now for some sort of cabinet position to appeal to his young African-American female constituency.  My blog and political opinions should suffice as enough political experience.

May 15, 2008

Call for DNC to Deal Fairly

by MullOverThis

Lou Dobbs posed the question to his guests on today’s show, “WOULD EVERYONE HERE AGREE THAT THIS IS A BROKERED NOMINATION?”  The press and political pundits have already dropped out of the race before all the votes have been counted.  TIME Magazine’s cover story  is “And the winner is…” with a picture of Barack Obama.  The so-called experts have moved on to the question of will Obama beat McCain.  Yet, the reality is that neither Obama or Clinton have enough delegates to secure the nomination.  So, if Hilary is squeezed out of the race for the cause of “unity” within party ranks, the Democratic party can concentrate on ending the White House Republican regime.  Ignore the polls showing that the majority of democrats want the race between Hilary and Obama to continue.  

I have a solution.  Since there is this urgency for synergy within party ranks to prepare for  McCain, let the movers and shakers call for Obama to drop out.  His lead over Hilary in the popular vote is like splitting hairs.  Super-delegates will pay attention to the popular vote.  John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama, which is not surprising at all.  Although Edwards made a number of gratuitous comments regarding Hilary, he stated he believed the “man” for the job was Barack Obama. Consequently, the super-delegates committed to Edwards may transfer to Senator Barack Obama.   The good old boys are squeezing hard. It is hard to believe that if Hilary were a white male with the same stats and prospects in the remaining primaries, there would be so much pandering and overt requests to just give up.

Clinton believes she may still win the nomination.  Clinton’s call for Michigan and Florida’s delegates to not only be seated, but their votes counted (representing over 2.3 million popular votes) during the DNC convention is controversial.   Obama was not on those tickets, so he will not get any delegates if these votes are counted.  This, according to some commentators, will not be fair to Senator Obama.  The rights of United States citizens to have their votes counted should not be balanced against what is fair to the leading candidate.  This Obamamania is starting to make some otherwise reasonable individuals delusional.  Since when are voting rights contingent upon how it will affect a candidate’s standing?  Well, the pressure is on to make one contender the winner.   The mele is politics-as-usual, whether Obama wants to admit it or not.

Those who still have to vote, do not fall prey to the influence of those who have already decided there is a Democratic nominee.  Know that your vote is supposed to count.  Media bias may dissuade some people some of the time, but it won’t fool all of the people all of the time.  The press will continue to distort commentaries to feed a spin–as in alleging that Hilary relied on working class people, white people, to get the win in West Virginia to substantiate the Clintons and their race card tactics–while the only people who will really pay the piper are the Americans who drink the kool-aid and fall for the hype.   


May 2, 2008

Northwestern University Pulls Honorary Doctorate Degree Plan for Jeremiah Wright Off of the Table

by MullOverThis

I can’t say that I fully comprehend why Northwestern University has withdrawn its offer to issue Obama’s former pastor an honorary doctorate in Sacred Theology.  Mere controversy should not be enough reason to trump a man’s entire life’s work as a spiritual leader if Wright was honorary-doctorate-worthy prior to Obama’s campaign.    Wright’s recent behavior is considerably akin to that which he has always displayed–that of a captivating orator who does not query with militant truth telling, according to his perspective and experience.  So, Northwestern University may not have done its homework in fully investigating Wright and the manner in which he has contributed his body of work to religion. 

The university’s withdrawal of the degree says a mouth-full about the import of honorary doctorate degrees in the first place.   It also speaks to the resultant public disdain from the current trend of religious leaders who talk too much in the press.  It must be difficult to eat one’s own foot in the mouth.  The reality is, if the public no longer respects a leader , the public will not receive that leader, or respect too much of what the leader has to say.  Although the weight of an honorary doctorate is overblown, had Wright been silent or at least put his public scathing on the back burner, he might have still gained the honorary degree and Obama might be doing better in the public eye.

Hopefully, our Pastors and leaders will focus on living the great life we have been called to live.  Pastor Wright would do well to spend less time in front of the cameras, as this is not a MLK moment for him to mobilize a disenfranchised people who just don’t “get it” when it comes to America.  All of the pedagogy in the world will not convince anyone.  What comes out of our mouths and actions speak volumes and will live in the minds of the public.  The last thing we need to see is Wright take his 15 minutes of fame and make it an hour long goof.

March 19, 2008


by MullOverThis

Regardless of where one fares with whether Obama should be our next President or not, Senator Barack Obama’s speech was telling. Because of his diverse racial and ethnic make-up and up-bringing, clearly Senator Obama has an understanding and appreciation for race and its impact from a familial to institutional level in our country. HOWEVER, the empassioned truths that the dear Senator shared from his own life experience and reality may address, but does not answer or resolve, the fact that Obama is a member of a church with a Pastor who has on too many occasions made inflammatory racist remarks. This is a slippery move to align Senator Obama with the Black church and the Black community and explain why he cannot denounce Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is not similarly analagous to the Black Community. Neither is Minister Farrakhan, one who Jeremiah Wright allegedly supports. Those who choose to sit under this type of leadership in a pastor make that choice. There are a plethora of politically astute Black male pastors who are empowering this generation to be effective citizens and fight against racism and do not employ language two notches below a good Nation of Islam speech, all in the name of Christ, to do so. Seems like Obama’s speech and its efforts were genuine and will log into the annals of time for great moments in American Politics. But, it was too greasy to stick regarding the Jeremiah Wright issue.

Obama CANNOT claim to be 20 year member of his church to authenticate his longstanding faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and not know the voice and messages that the pastor preaches/teaches. He cannot legitimately claim that he was never present and in being absent, be shocked and categorically deny the objectionable commentary by Jeremiah Wright. We are to believe that every time Obama’s pastor went off the meter, Obama just did not walk through the church doors. No one in their right or left mind, sits in a church for 20 years and does not know the message, heart, voice or vibe of their pastor and other spiritual leaders. Not unless you really weren’t at church in the twenty years, or you were doing like Bill Clinton and I did, taking naps in church.

So while so many of us were inspired by Senator Obama’s speech, the leap to connect the history and present racial animus in this country against Black people does not excuse Jeremiah Wright and his motivational messages birthed out of a real anger. Mr. no more politics as usual Obama needs to go back to the drawing board and practice being the different kind of politician that he says he is going to be as the agent of change, right now. Tell the truth Senator Obama. Your Black militant pastor has been militant, and you knew it. You could not choose your grandmother or your pops, but you can and did choose the pastor who teaches you, your wife and your children.

Obama’s knowledge of his Pastor’s sentiments does not mean that he completely aligns himself with them, he may just understand them and appreciate all of the other good that comes from listening to Jeremiah Wright’s messages. This entire pastoral relationship and slick defense of it by attaching the Black community as the band-aid, does lend some light to Michelle Obama’s slip a number of weeks ago, where she stated, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m proud of my country…” The need to try to correct this Obamamania stump with the real and present “racism in America” issue while subtlely heightening the insensitivity of those who question Obama’s loud-mouth pastor who has crossed the line is disingenious in my opinion. Of course, I invite you to share yours…

For more on this topic check out the links below:

Has the Reverend Jeremiah Wright episode changed your opinion about Barack Obama?

March 14, 2008


by MullOverThis


Surely, New York State soon to be ex-governor Eliot Spitzer did not anticipate on January 1, 2007 that his governorship would have been so short-lived. Had the root of Dr. Seuss’s influence sprigged into the consciousness of his adult psyche, Spitzer must have known that he was going to get busted. First of all, the building blocks of how to remain in office when your ticket is anti-corruption is clean up the mess in your own closet, or at least sweep it under the rug. In other words, wait until your term is over to think you can funnel thousands of dollars through different accounts, some of which allegedly may have been government funds, to support a specific order for a 105 pound brunnette. So for Spitzer, that should have at least included omitting the frequent visits to whoremongers, or having the whoremongers travel to meet him (Did I say “whoremonger” in 2008? Pass this one up to a turret’s syndrome like moment while typing).

When this revelation of yet another man cheating on his wife broke, I did not think that we would be singing the oh so familiar Mickey Mouse song to the New York State Governor, “Now it’s time (pause) to say good-bye (pause) to all our family…E-L-I…” We are simply dealing with a governor plus a call girl/escort (in the whoredom industry high class call girls should never be categorized amongst menial street level hookers or prostitutes). Well, when we had a married DC Mayor with a hooker (she wasn’t an exclusive whore, so we can appropriately call her a hooker) plus crack cocaine and enough expletives to make the Supreme Court re-think the protections profanity enjoys in this nation, not only was the Mayor re-habilitated, but was re-elected. So Spitzer’s fairly quick departure from the governor’s office may be the right thing to do, but still remains ironic. We must accept the fact that we don’t like men who publicly cheat on their wives in the governorship position. Mayors tend to fare better. A Former New York Mayor thought for five seconds he had a chance of winning the Republican nomination for US President when he completely disrespected his wife and children by allowing his then “other woman” (who is now his wife) to frequent the family residence in overnight visits. His public shuffling of his girlfriend did not stop him from completing his term in office but stopped his children from campaigning for him during his presidential bid.

I’m not quite sure how to process this moral turpitude in the land of progressive immorality. Some of the same people who denounce a married man soliciting hookers will fight for two gay men or women to have the right to marry and raise children. Maybe we should simply be grateful that enough people still prefer governmental leaders to exemplify family values and be faithful to their spouses. And, if there is infidelity the leaders should spend more than 54 seconds giving a blanket apology to the public and family without specifically apologizing to the spouse. While so many don’t respect Hilary because she didn’t leave Bill, she demonstrated that some political families, as well as everyday homes, survive spousal infidelity.

Maybe Spitzer’s exit from office is attributable to the alleged illegal activities and possible future charges. The question remains whether Spitzer’s activities will cost him his wife and family. I personally hope they do not. What people like Spitzer often forget during those brain freeze moments is that the young hot “thangs” are not worth a career, marriage, family, possible loss of license to practice if convicted of a felony, one of Hilary Clinton’s super-delegates, and the list goes on. The face of the order No. 9 speaks of a volume of women who think they are liberated every time they demean and reduce themselves to some money and bling to satisfy men who completely objectify them. The face of Spitzer’s wife is that of too many women who must juggle between their own self-worth/respect and sustaining a commitment to a life with a man who typically would never put up with the same malfeasance from his cheating wife. To think of enduring years of his unpleasantries to be given a bouquet of flowers for Valentine’s Day and some unknown gets the value of a good high-end pocketbook or a month of private school tuition for a romp, brings other unmentionable thoughts to mind. My heart goes out to the many faces that have to deal with public scrutiny and humiliation because one spouse’s decisions have opened up a tab that just may keep running.

January 4, 2008

Mark DeMoss & Steve Strang Weigh In On Faith’s Influence in Presidential Election

by MullOverThis

Mark DeMoss, former right hand man to Jerry Falwell and President of his own public relations group, and Steve Strang, Publisher of Charisma magazine, both proffer compelling arguments on the role Presidential candidates’  faith should play in the election.  Their views are not entirely conflicting but DeMoss is clearly not as convinced that a candidate’s personal faith should be weighty in selecting the next Commander in Chief as Strang or I am.  

Considering the President of the United States is probably one of the most powerful positions one can hold in this life, and the “powers that be” affect the quality and kind of life we will live in this country, I fail to see how the candidates faith is not a major factor.   Competence is a given, but can be misjudged as we have seen some of the greatest people on paper fail when entering top level governmental positions.  Conversely, we have seen the “how sweet” ambitions of one of our favorite celebrities, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, grip the reigns of leadership of one of the largest and most challenging states in the US, California.  Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Mr. affluent businessman with no real political experience, has left no room for question that one can take his first baby steps into government and understand it as NYC’s set man. 

For the record, I don’t prefer any of the candidates DeMoss or Strang referenced.  Sometimes people who don’t use their faith as a flag are the ones who will continue to pray and really seek God for the wisdom and guidance to lead them, their family, their community and this nation.  With that in mind, I’m looking for a precedence to be set in this next election and we shall see how s/he fares.