Posts tagged ‘Pastor Jeremiah Wright’

May 3, 2008


by MullOverThis


Here is a response I posted to a blog posted by politicaldookie referencing Obama’s missed opportunity to bring “black liberation theology” to national prominance to heal the racial divide in America by distancing himself from Jeremiah Wright:

““Black liberation theology”?
Where was Jesus on this “theology”? Christ is not divided. The Word of God needs to be the primary focus in equipping ALL PEOPLE to live peaceably with one another and be effective witnesses in the earth. That is how theology should be linked to bridging racial, classist, ethnic, cultural and any other types of divides. This is a bunch of hogwash, putting it mildly, to justify nonsense. Black people are not liberated when empowered to swing back in offenses.   We are liberated in not doing wrong to recompense wrongs done to us. We are liberated when we live like Christians that fear God, so fear one another. Obama can’t be used to bridge what he does not comprehend himself. And his own words, or willingness to adopt those of speechwriters, speak volumes about his own level of understanding of the Word of God.  Abortion and homosexuality are not “workable” in God’s sight. Social ills and sin must be stood against by any Christian. Obama is not there yet.”

We will be waiting to see what this manifesto decrees.  Prayerfully, the leaders will address the arrogance of humanity to reduce God and the Gospel of the Kingdom to justify or cater to our own life experiences based upon denominational, political, racial, economic, gender, sexual and ethnic statifications. 

FYI, this moderator acknowledges and appreciates the contributions of African American leaders, like Apostle Frederick K.C. Price, who has addressed racism within the church and in America with wisdom and Godly counsel.  He simply preaches the Word of God and takes appropriate actions within his authority in the earth.  We are not blind to concrete issues that everyday Christians face, we just handle them according to the Word of God.  This is what ultimately authors unity, reconciliation, faith, love and at the very least, empowers Black and ALL PEOPLE to live as God intended.

May 2, 2008

Northwestern University Pulls Honorary Doctorate Degree Plan for Jeremiah Wright Off of the Table

by MullOverThis

I can’t say that I fully comprehend why Northwestern University has withdrawn its offer to issue Obama’s former pastor an honorary doctorate in Sacred Theology.  Mere controversy should not be enough reason to trump a man’s entire life’s work as a spiritual leader if Wright was honorary-doctorate-worthy prior to Obama’s campaign.    Wright’s recent behavior is considerably akin to that which he has always displayed–that of a captivating orator who does not query with militant truth telling, according to his perspective and experience.  So, Northwestern University may not have done its homework in fully investigating Wright and the manner in which he has contributed his body of work to religion. 

The university’s withdrawal of the degree says a mouth-full about the import of honorary doctorate degrees in the first place.   It also speaks to the resultant public disdain from the current trend of religious leaders who talk too much in the press.  It must be difficult to eat one’s own foot in the mouth.  The reality is, if the public no longer respects a leader , the public will not receive that leader, or respect too much of what the leader has to say.  Although the weight of an honorary doctorate is overblown, had Wright been silent or at least put his public scathing on the back burner, he might have still gained the honorary degree and Obama might be doing better in the public eye.

Hopefully, our Pastors and leaders will focus on living the great life we have been called to live.  Pastor Wright would do well to spend less time in front of the cameras, as this is not a MLK moment for him to mobilize a disenfranchised people who just don’t “get it” when it comes to America.  All of the pedagogy in the world will not convince anyone.  What comes out of our mouths and actions speak volumes and will live in the minds of the public.  The last thing we need to see is Wright take his 15 minutes of fame and make it an hour long goof.

May 1, 2008

What Will Happen With McCain, Hilary, Obama and Wright

by MullOverThis

Reputedly, McCain’s campaign has counted Hilary Clinton out.  What a demonstration of pompousity to its height.  Or, maybe this is just the type of touting we can expect from two men who appear to be quite frustrated with having to take Hilary as a serious contender in the first place.  The Pennsylvania win and current edge Clinton has against McCain in some of the latest polls is not enough for McCain to consider.  But the latest AP poll showing Hilary has a nine point lead over McCain as the most likely President should not fall on deaf McCain ears.  Seems like the old boys network is tightening its ranks to squeeze Hilary out of the race, as momentum builds for her candidacy.  So the defection of a former DNC chairman super-delegate to endorse Obama is not a surprise.  The subtle impression these moves would try to give the public is that Hilary can’t beat McCain so why even pay attention.  But the reality is, she can beat McCain, and probably would fare better against him than Obama.  So to those who don’t have earplugs in while crossing a busy street against a red stoplight and the warning hand sign, don’t fall for the hype.  The boys feel the pulse of too much happening for Hilary that just may put her in the White House.

One thing we do know, either Hilary or Barack will have to bow out within the next few weeks.  The DNC Chairman has put up the flag and one of the hopefuls must quit to foster unity within party ranks to beat McCain.  I really don’t think this will be quite difficult, because once press coverage narrows to the Democratic candidate versus McCain, McCain own words will push voters to make sure we don’t have a borderline Alzheimers patient in office.  Even his honorable military service can’t justify the concept of 100 more years in Iraq.  Forget McCain’s temperament.  Something must be wrong upstairs to think that Americans will tolerate another term in Iraq, more or less another century, if necessary.  Hopefully, Americans will put someone in office who will have the wherewithal and  ability to get us out much sooner.

Hilary just needs to keep campaigning and focus on her agenda.  She does not need to capitalize on any Obama or McCain mishaps or blunders.  These gentlemen are about to box it out with one another.  Obama needs to focus on his campaign and issues that will repair the breach his comments have made against the working class.  There is no advantage, whatsoever, to dwell in  Pastor Wrightville and attempt to disassociate or denounce any of Wright’s statements or actions.  Obama, in my opinion, slaughters his own credibility by acting as if his former Pastor’s commentary and mentality is a news flash to him.  Again, no real-life church member sits and is an active part of a church for 20 years and does not know the heart and sentiments of the pastor. 

If any one thing can be credited with reversing Obamamania,  Pastor Wright holds the winning ticket.  Pastor Wright feels the need to be as arrogant as he possibly can in providing pedantic context to his messages which he claims was discolored by biased repeated airings of sound bytes and edited clips.  This mission of Pastor Wright’s, of course, since he can’t even make himself appear to be humble, cannot wait until the criticism dies down so that Obama can begin to recover from public scrutiny for sitting under a man who can justify cussing from the pulpit.  And, Wright’s weak-kneed current attempts to cloak his inappropriate editorializations in the guise of the prophetic tradition of the black church is aggregious. 

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Although I may be young, I have been in the black church for almost 40 years.  This pulpiteering may have existed at Obama’s church, amongst others, but is by no means a tradition of the black church.  Here we have another decrepid use of the race card.  Most importantly, authentic prophets don’t take the time to keep explaining why they had to obey God and speak what they were ordered to speak, when it is real prophecy, particularly to an audience that has absolutely no ability to comprehend such an explanation.  So Wright needs to SIT DOWN and enjoy his retirement because this explanation is not cutting the mustard.

If Obama is to recover, he simply needs to keep campaigning and ignore Wright.



For more on this topic, peruse the articles below:

March 22, 2008

Jeremiah Wright’s Parishoner Speaks

by MullOverThis


In Defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright by A Parishoner
Body: By Patricia Novick, Posted: Mar 23, 2008

CHICAGO — In recent weeks, as a member of Trinity United Church of Christ, I have experienced pain over the characterization of Pastor Jeremiah Wright as a “radical crazy.”

I am a white, middle-class, middle-aged woman. I chose to attend Trinity because of Rev. Wright – because of the breadth and depth of his biblical knowledge and wisdom, because of the love and caring he extended to his congregants, and because of his message of the possibility of a polity connected in love and compassion.

I have attended Trinity for over ten years. With other healthcare professionals, I am a member of the health ministry, which provides important services to the community. I have participated in nine courses at the church, covering biblical history and scripture. In both of those endeavors, I have been respected for my own opinions, questions, concerns and interests.

I am involved in creating health ministries in a range of congregations in cities in the United States. In the course of my work, I proudly announce that I am a member of Trinity UCC. Invariably, someone will come up to me and tell me of their experience hearing pastor Wright speak at their college, university, or seminary, and how inspirational and moving it had been. I have always felt pride at having pastor Wright as my minister, and it always has been enhanced by what I have heard throughout the country. I have glowed in the acknowledgment of the contributions of my pastor.

When I was a Fellow at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard, I had the opportunity to listen to many exceptional ministers and theologians speak on important issues. I was never as moved by any of them as I have been by Rev. Wright. I have brought people from many faiths and other countries as guests to church with me at Trinity. They always have been unequivocally amazed and exhilarated by the passion, commitment, and quality of the worship experience of my home church.

I am bringing a group of my friends with me to church in April because they have been inundated by scare emails about my church and what it represents. Since Rev. Wright is now retired, I regret that they will not have the opportunity to hear him and judge for themselves, but I know they will recognize the quality of the community that Rev. Wright built.

I have always felt welcome, at home, a contributor, and contributed-to in my home church. Jeremiah Wright has been one of the great teachers in my life and in the lives of so many people of so many colors. When he preaches in a fiery way from the prophetic tradition of biblical figures like Isaiah and Hosea, he reminds us how one can love one’s country and still deplore its shortcomings. Hosea, as much as he loved Israel and longed for its betterment, nonetheless compared his beloved land to a prostitute. Rev. Wright is not preaching as a political figure who must find accommodation and compromise while moving toward attainable goals – as I know Senator Obama will do if he is elected – he is talking about a different and more exacting standard, God’s expectations of us. All true Christians learn the difference between what is owed to Caesar and what is owed to God.

Senator Obama in his recent speech, “A More Perfect Union,”? at the Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has lifted the spirits and the sights of tens of millions of Americans in his own way and in his own sphere. His judgment of Rev. Wright as a man who did the same thing within his sphere was and is correct. May God bless all those whose eyes are open to see that, and all those who cannot yet but one day will.

March 19, 2008


by MullOverThis

Regardless of where one fares with whether Obama should be our next President or not, Senator Barack Obama’s speech was telling. Because of his diverse racial and ethnic make-up and up-bringing, clearly Senator Obama has an understanding and appreciation for race and its impact from a familial to institutional level in our country. HOWEVER, the empassioned truths that the dear Senator shared from his own life experience and reality may address, but does not answer or resolve, the fact that Obama is a member of a church with a Pastor who has on too many occasions made inflammatory racist remarks. This is a slippery move to align Senator Obama with the Black church and the Black community and explain why he cannot denounce Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is not similarly analagous to the Black Community. Neither is Minister Farrakhan, one who Jeremiah Wright allegedly supports. Those who choose to sit under this type of leadership in a pastor make that choice. There are a plethora of politically astute Black male pastors who are empowering this generation to be effective citizens and fight against racism and do not employ language two notches below a good Nation of Islam speech, all in the name of Christ, to do so. Seems like Obama’s speech and its efforts were genuine and will log into the annals of time for great moments in American Politics. But, it was too greasy to stick regarding the Jeremiah Wright issue.

Obama CANNOT claim to be 20 year member of his church to authenticate his longstanding faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and not know the voice and messages that the pastor preaches/teaches. He cannot legitimately claim that he was never present and in being absent, be shocked and categorically deny the objectionable commentary by Jeremiah Wright. We are to believe that every time Obama’s pastor went off the meter, Obama just did not walk through the church doors. No one in their right or left mind, sits in a church for 20 years and does not know the message, heart, voice or vibe of their pastor and other spiritual leaders. Not unless you really weren’t at church in the twenty years, or you were doing like Bill Clinton and I did, taking naps in church.

So while so many of us were inspired by Senator Obama’s speech, the leap to connect the history and present racial animus in this country against Black people does not excuse Jeremiah Wright and his motivational messages birthed out of a real anger. Mr. no more politics as usual Obama needs to go back to the drawing board and practice being the different kind of politician that he says he is going to be as the agent of change, right now. Tell the truth Senator Obama. Your Black militant pastor has been militant, and you knew it. You could not choose your grandmother or your pops, but you can and did choose the pastor who teaches you, your wife and your children.

Obama’s knowledge of his Pastor’s sentiments does not mean that he completely aligns himself with them, he may just understand them and appreciate all of the other good that comes from listening to Jeremiah Wright’s messages. This entire pastoral relationship and slick defense of it by attaching the Black community as the band-aid, does lend some light to Michelle Obama’s slip a number of weeks ago, where she stated, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m proud of my country…” The need to try to correct this Obamamania stump with the real and present “racism in America” issue while subtlely heightening the insensitivity of those who question Obama’s loud-mouth pastor who has crossed the line is disingenious in my opinion. Of course, I invite you to share yours…

For more on this topic check out the links below:

Has the Reverend Jeremiah Wright episode changed your opinion about Barack Obama?