Posts tagged ‘Crime’

July 3, 2015

Amber Roof Solicits Funds: Another GoFundMe Bungle

by MullOverThis

Yup. You have read correctly.  Michael and Amber had their dreams halted, smashed, crumbled, and upset by the public shame and bombastic inconvenience her brother caused her when he decided to execute 9 human beings on the basis of race. While the nation is mourning from a hate crime which impacted the entire Charleston, South Carolina area and people who have been terribly reminded that racist venom is still vicious enough to cause a 21 year old deluded man to end the lives of innocent people, let’s not forget the other ills and consequential damages:  this lunatic’s sister is also suffering with the loss of everything she hoped and dreamed for in planning her nuptials.

See, I can understand her pain.

Truly, I can. Who can’t empathize with her having to see her brother arrested and have to face the inevitable justice system which is going to put him away for the majority of his adult life? Who can’t empathize with the horror the entire Roof family probably felt in knowing that they are connected to such a depraved human being–a loved one? But, with all of the grace we must have, we also should help fund this tootsy pop’s wedding and relate to her devastation.

Only in America, can someone have such boldness and insensitivity to even think it’s a good idea to go raise wedding money when your brother has literally terrorized a nation with a hate crime of this magnitude. Of all of the things that have transpired–massive peaceful protests, government entities addressing the Confederate flag and the ills of the wicked influences that infiltrated this brother of this nincompoop, ordering grave stones, coffins, writing obituaries, re-structuring family life from day-to-day, mourning the loss of loved ones, re-building the faith in a community and leadership in a long-standing congregation–let’s not forget this clown’s interests cut from the most pungent narcissistic depraved indifference to human life pie ever made: poopy deserves her wedding.

There really is nothing more to say to this one, other than I wonder what the rest of this Roof family has to face in the aftermath of what Dylan Roof has done. Let’s hope missing the annual berry picking contest or losing Dylan’s worth as the one who takes out the kitchen garbage isn’t on their list.

So, GoFundMe has had to knock off another unethical campaign grounded in absolute lunacy.



June 24, 2015


by MullOverThis

Roxane Gay wrote an Op-Ed piece for the NY Times addressing why she can’t forgive Dylan Roof.

While the massacre of 9 people has led to a plethora of issues and campaigns on the “back” of such a tragedy, many are focused on discerning the underlying and recognizing the all so obvious racial under and overtones of major players in the status of race relations in America. Interestingly, Sis. Gay has been inspired to write this piece with the very relevant context that although she is not immediately connected to the people or events from this shooting, her Blackness and humanity put her in the very place to be unforgiving: certain things are beyond forgiving.

This article should NOT be ignored. It expresses the very reason that those who cannot fully “gel” with this #Blacklivesmatter movement are resistant.  What Dylan Roof has done is “beneath her contempt”.

I wonder if Black men in a Philadelphia shooting 3 children and 7 adults is beneath her contempt. What “factors” make deliberate actions taken by gunmen to wilfully take lives–whether their shots are successful or not–ace the meeting of this standard?

The color of the gunman’s skin?

The color of the body bags?

The repeated history of unjust killings?

The fact that these patterns of unjust killings continue without end?

When DeathwhileBlackbyBlack occurs what do the answers to the foregoing questions look like? They do not differ when families are mourning their lost loved ones. Hypocrisy is a wicked character trait and is dangerous when one has a voice to fuel it in others.

How is it that since Dylan Roof executed those 9 people in South Carolina, there have been 3 mass shootings of BLACK PEOPLE where murders have been committed, and these events are “normal” news reports?  Because some people have the same make-up of Roxane Gray. They are moved beyond moved when racial animus is involved. The world flips upside down and evil and the “unforgivable” take place when once again, White people continue to do what White people have historically done.

MullOverThis does not expect any SM banter about we must remember the names of those wounded or killed in any of these 3 murders sprees injuring numerous Black people. These very defendents will automatically be defended by the school to prison pipelines, disenfranchisement of the Black family, privitization of prisons meant to keep Black men shooting their own so the prisons can be filled with lifetime felons, and every over-arching institutionalized racism reason as justifications for why we can “SMH”, “Wow”, “that’s so sad”, “We need to do more for our youth”, “We need some more programs to give Black men hope” and every other empassioned commentary in instances of #deathwhileblackbyblack. There will be no memorial and review of who these people shot actually were.  Why?  Because they are the very ones who we visit in jail, love, and “pray for”, not issue unforgivable justifications why the very same act another commits, makes the other unforgivable.

It is clear as day that all of these ills need to include prejudice and hypocrisy. If Dylan Roof is “unforgivable” solely on the basis of his White racist-ness, then all of these other Black murderers out to be the same on the basis of their Black self-hatredness and terrorism to their own.

It is clear as a warm sunny sky that many people hate racism more than they love their own. Their own perish daily, in like manner, but…there is no need to pen articles about the unforgivable acts of Black men who assassinate their own families, associate, friends and those they do not know.

You don’t even have to be religious to forgive. You definitely don’t have to be religious to be appalled by unjust treatment when race is involved, HOWEVER the pendulum swings when a lethal weapon is in the hands of an assailant who kills without cause.

All Black lives matter, not just the ones unjustly taken by White people or police brutality.


April 30, 2014


by MullOverThis

No one can blame another for when someone flips out and does the unexpected.

The thing is, we need to pay attention to the tell tale signs that we live with, daily. Am I to believe this young man just woke up, decided to walk into his job dressed like Rambo and act like he was in a real movie scene, fired shots that injured 6 people and took his own life?

“Honey, have you heard from Sammy? He’s a little late coming home from work today.”

“No, actually, I haven’t. Dear, are you watching the news?  Put on CNN. Oh my! It looks like someone shot up the gas station.   Oh my! They say the gunman looks like Sammy!  Oh my, could Sammy be that far gone?”

Yes, Sammy can. There is no way someone is that far gone and NO ONE noticed a thing. Let’s stop ignoring what we will one day not be able to live with because when these tragedies occur, those who are “shocked” by their loved one’s human depravity also suffer losses. It is better for Sammy to be under the treatment of a mental facility than to go to a premature grave while attempting to take others with him.


April 14, 2014

by MullOverThis

A Utah mom accused of killing 6 newborns (her biological children) is facing criminal charges for their deaths.  MullOverThis is befuddled once again. And, it is a rare scenario that leaves me with a lack of words.

Okay. I’ve recovered enough to share this:

1. Who could have possibly lived in that house and not smelled six carcasses stored in boxes amassed in the past decade?  Only nasty people can live in a home and not ever notice their garage smells like a gutter.

2.  This woman was repeatedly pregnant. So, ex-hubby knocked up this murderer while they were together-several times-and never noticed a pregnancy?  Am I to believe he impregnated someone numerous times and nothing registered in his brain or ding ding that his wife-at-the-time was preggo?

3.  Preggo was pregnant several times and *shrugs*…where are the babies? Pregnancy, no baby, no problem.

I am saddened to know that children were devalued enough to be snuffed from life by their mother, rolled up and then stored in plastic bags and boxes.  Imagine what kind of organizing guru this nutjob could have been had she harvested her knowledge to literally mask pregnancies and store dead fetuses without a putrid odor, unbeknownst to people who have working brains.



May 11, 2013

On Charles Ramsey, the Amanda Berry Hero

by MullOverThis


Three women were held hostage for approximately, nearly, roughly a decade. Charles Ramsey is the primary person with enough courage to respond to Amanda Berry’s screams. His swift action serves as intervention to end the horrific experience for three women and a surviving child.

Now, hoity toity ignoramuses with some measure of respectability because they “got demselves some learning” dare to comment on Charles Ramsey’s teeth or lack thereof, matted hair and ghettoism.


How does it become a media ploy against black folks and stereotyping a Black man when a news reporter interviews a completely relevant witness who happens to be straight up ghetto? Should a media person have the wherewithal to think, “Hey, this dude is a hot mess ghetto negro and maybe we should find a suited Harvardite to represent the Black race to speak on behalf of his heroism.”

You cannot please banana peel everything-is-slippery-and-an-offense-to-Black-folk Negroes. A blogger even surmised whether Mr. Ramsey would have done the same thing for a black woman. These Negroids think so hard that their logic breaks the common sense meter and registers in Duhville.  Does anyone think that a man-who didn’t know women lived in the house with the man with whom he ate barbecue-knew that the cries were from a pretty white woman?  Did he see a pretty white woman before he left his home?  Or, did he decide to be a hero when he saw Amanda Berry?  Some folks just need medication.

Charles Ramsey has ears. He heard a woman screaming. Charles Ramsey has a heart. He felt an impulse to aid one who appeared to be in emergent need. Charles Ramsey has guts. Unlike many educated Negroes who rationalize why they cannot get involved, Charles dared to help a woman. Charles Ramsey has strong legs. He used them to get “hisself” over to the house where he heard the screams and kicked the door down.

So all pristine negroid clowns who are embarrassed by Charles Ramsey, HE DOES NOT REPRESENT YOU. He represents a wider class of people who are selfless enough to do the right thing and this class of people is universal.


January 12, 2012


by MullOverThis

Get ready for this one, folks.

There has been a news story in New York for the past few days regarding 4 NYC stores that were defaced with Anti-Semitic symbols and language.  The NYPD, one of the so-called most advanced police departments in the world-with its own intelligence-that NYPD, has released footage of four persons of interest.

NY1 and the Daily News have blatantly associated the four suspects in the released footage as racists and the culprits.  This characterization is consistent with the toilet paper gutter news organizations that they have both become known to be.  What these idiots have not considered is that those four individuals in footage may not have had anything to do with the crime.

I have no criminal justice education or experience.  Yet, eating enough Wheaties has fueled this brain enough to know when things do not add up, or make sense.

One of the four persons in the footage went to her local police department last evening along with her representation.  She stated that the local detectives told her there was nothing they could do to assist her, because higher ups were on this case.  K.  Your face and image is plastered all over the news for being associated with this hate crime, and the local NYPD can’t do a thing to protect you, when their release of the footage has put you in harm’s way for any nutjob who wants to go overboard because of the inflammatory media coverage.

The young lady stated she waited for the Manhattan detectives to arrive and they presented her with additional footage, which was not yet released in the media. ASIDE:  How come this information I am relaying to you isn’t all over the internet through news media outlets, and they are supposed to be following this situation?  Might it be because journalism has become so degenerative that what makes print and press is what Bloomberg and a few lazy detectives have to say?

Back to the point.   The young lady stated that she adamantly told the detectives that what they saw on the additional footage was not anyone defacing the store window.  The young man was simply pointing to an item.  She also stated that the detectives wanted to know WHY the four of them met in the store, WHY one of them went onto the lower level and looked at something in a corner, and a bunch of stupid questions to ask about people who were mere patrons.  Do people stop at racks and pick up an item and look at it?  Is it suspicious behavior to meet a group of friends to hang out in the NYC for the day?  Is it suspicious activity to point at a store window?  How about smudge your face on the window?  How about touch the store door handles?

Idiocy supreme.

Might people who commandeer huge salaries do the following:

Look at the footage of the three other stores that were part of the hate crime “spree”. You might find the same person or persons on the footage in or in front of the stores.  That’s a better correlation of suspect behavior that targeting four people who met up at one store, with no other compelling footage.

Don’t assume all the persons of interest are Asian.  Idiocy-or bias-galore. At least two of those persons on the footage are Black.

It’s an alarming day in America when you meet up with some friends to go to Bryant Park at a local store and have to hire an attorney and be plastered all over the television and internet as racists, when all you did was get your image captured on video footage in conjunction with your friends because you patronized a store that has now become a crime location.  It is more horrific when family and friends alert you all day long that you were on a crime spree, according to the news, in three other stores you never patronized.

Shop alone so dingbat copism doesn’t put you at risk because you were in a group of people who were within the jurisdiction of a racist NYPD.  The Mayor and police might emphasize that these people are persons of interest who may have information about this crime in their public commentary; this would be too unbiased in investigating a biased crime where the NYPD has released images of Black folk as racists,  now wouldn’t it?

Overnight, people whose worst judgment led them to hang out in a Japanese store can lose their jobs, have to defend themselves and be associated as racists in the public eye because the NYPD and the low-grade journalists have done it once again: towed the lines of ethics and decency and just may mess up innocent people’s lives.


Update:  An anti-Semitic bandit strikes in the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn.  Does this mean that the NYPD will broaden their scope of people of interest?  Let’s hope they find the real culprit/s.  And, then they might want to really start having this much gumption and dedication when Anti-Black folks hang nooses.

October 12, 2011

Another Mass Murder

by MullOverThis

Today, eight human beings were murdered and at least one other was critically injured at the hands of a Caucasian male mass murderer at Seal Beach, California.



Obviously, this guy should not have gotten custody of his children.

How many other people paid the price because a man lost a custody battle?

And to think, some people seem to think that Black people should model themselves after White people to move up a few notches in family values.


July 24, 2008

100 Years to Life for Rape

by MullOverThis

An African American man was sentenced to 100 years to life for two hours of criminal conduct. These are the types of sentences that are completely insane based upon equitable lines, but sure do make me sleep better at night.

Mr. Christopher Pearce, 29, of Roosevelt, Long Island, took an expensive trip to the bank when he broke into his victim’s home and forced her to go to two different ATM locations and withdraw $600 in cash, then forced her to another location and raped her, then forced her to drive back to her home.   Mr. Pearce put robbery, burglary, kidnapping, criminal sexual act, and rape charges in his criminal shopping cart.  He checked out in Nassau County, Long Island and he must pay the piper with a life sentence.

I will not be protesting this decision, just praying that Mr. Pearce will be productive and find meaning to life behind prison walls and gets the help he needs.,0,5677516.story,0,7938319.story
