Archive for May, 2009

May 22, 2009


by MullOverThis

Folks, Nany Pelosi just gave her weekly press conference. Cameras can be our friend or enemy. Pelosi, whose demeanor is normally two shaves shy of brazen and forthright, did quite a bit of stumbling and near-stuttering today. Nonetheless, she managed to unequivocally say that she is not answering any questions surrounding the current controversy about her remarks debunking the credibility of the CIA and current GOP attempts to get Pelosi de-throned. Speaker of the House Pelosi said the country must stay on our course, and not be distracted. She is committed to a bi-partisan approach to dealing with the economy, health care and everything other than what she says was never said because to do so would say that she has said too much to avoid why she didn’t deal with what was said.

The GOP just needed to take notes and the next time a major GOP leader needs a mask, just mimick Pelosi’s attempted ballyhoo. Serve up the tactic where questioning the issue is a partisan attack, and take the high road of moving onward with the bi-partisan business at hand.

Too bad we all can’t live above warranted reproach.


May 22, 2009


by MullOverThis


A thirteen year old Minnesota boy is allegedly on the run with his mother to avoid chemotherapy treatment for Hodgkins Lymphoma, a highly treatable form of cancer with traditional chemotherapy and radiation treatments.  Mom and son allegedly prefer to treat the cancer naturally on religious grounds, because such treatment would involve violating their beliefs.

Judge Judy addressed the issue in a potluck style interview with Larry King and noted a number of  important factors.  A thirteen year old boy is of considerable age and as a family court judge, she would want to know the young boy’s desire.  Also, the young boy must have his own counsel to protect his own interests, irrespective of his parents and other interested parties. 

Mulloverthis thinks that this case is one in a line of many, that points to government imposition into socialist areas that break the bounds of individual rights.  The government, through the arms of the court, child welfare and social service agencies, should not mandate medical treatments based upon statistics. If I want to lay down and die from a tumor, that is my business.  A family who is otherwise well-balanced and informed should be able to choose what types of medical treatments, or lack thereof, they prefer.  Provided the parents are aware of optional treatments and have reasonable grounds for pursuing alternative treatments, they should be free to do so on any grounds. 

Consider this: the 13 year old boy could take the chemotherapy and die from the cancer. Meanwhile, he would have endured the torture of chemotherapy. If anyone is qualified to roll the dice on his life, it is his parents and those that love him.



May 21, 2009


by MullOverThis


Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich has done it again.  The crowned king of heart wrenching Inflammatory Jargon has called for the resignation of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.  Newt’s call for action surrounds Pelosi’s wimpy and allegedly disingenuous response to whether or not she knew of the now inhumane use of waterboarding as an “enhanced interrogation” tactic against detained al Qaeda suspects.   Nanci clearly stated that she was misguided,  and the CIA misguides Congress all of the time.   Homegirl says she was briefed, and alludes to a mere cursory mentioning of it in 2002. She blamed her lack of information–or brain freeze–on the CIA. Newt and other conservatives believe this weakens the national security of the US, in the largest connect the dots slippery slope argument I’ve seen in a long time.

Here’s what I think: When there’s a rat in the house, set all different kinds of traps. Whichever one catches the critter first, is the winner. Whether Newt’s cry against Pelosi is legitimate or not, Mulloverthis has been waiting for this day. Pelosi can take her anti-Christian efforts and influence some place else.

Anyway, we all know, Pelosi isn’t going anywhere without a fight.  FAGHEDDABOWDIT.

May 13, 2009


by MullOverThis

The following record was taken directly from Senator Grassley’s website, from an immediate press release dated March 26, 2009.

 Transcription of Senator Grassley’s Capitol Hill Report

“QUESTION:  Along that line, Senator, have you — have your requests for information, financial information, from televangelists been completely satisfied?  There were one or two holdouts at one time.   

      GRASSLEY:  Those one or two are still holding out, and we haven’t decided yet to take the step of a subpoena.  But it looks to me like that’s what we’ll have to do.  We have had almost — by two others — almost a complete answer to what I would say would be a good judgment of some progress we’re making.  And that is that there’s an evangelical accounting board — and that’s not exactly its title.  

      But it’s kind a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for churches that are members of it to pledge to do certain things to make sure that their money is handled in a secure way as a trustee for the donors’ money.  And we’ve had two of these six have recently submitted themselves to this evangelical accounting board to make sure that they follow the law.

      STAFF:  Thank you, Tom and Rick, for participating in today’s public affairs program.  This has been Senator Chuck Grassley reporting to the people of Iowa.”


UPDATE:  To date, there have not been any allegations of inappropriate oversight or IRS non-compliance levied against any of the Grassley Six.  Please review articles on this blog since December 2007 providing coverage.

May 13, 2009

KUDOS Miss California USA

by MullOverThis

The question is not whether Christianphobia is on the rise or not. The question is do people who despise Christians, because we hold fast to the Bible and our faith, have the ability to be equitable and just. 

Imagine the melee gay activists, same sex marriage advocates and the so-called “open-minded” (and I use this characterization lightly) people would have if Mrs. California was pro-gay, and a staunch Christian judge began an uproar because of her support for the advancement of gay rights.  Imagine.  It’s not hard to imagine, because Christians can no longer go to our own churches without being challenged by people who want Christians to deface our teachings and comply with modern “thinking” and ways of living.  When gay people are filthy and downright egregious in their tactics to advance their causes, they are activists.  When Christians do the same thing, we are barbaric bigots.

Perez Hilton probably thought he was going to set Miss California up.  Perez admitted Miss California’s answer cost her the “win” in the Miss USA pageant.  To those who believe her position is outdated and inundated with bias, Perez’s “on the spot” question was fair game.  Again, had Perez been James Dobson questioning a hard core lesbian whose avid response supported same sex marriage, and the lesbian suffered the crown because of her viewpoint, no one in America would be able to take a nap.

When folks believe that terrorizing church members by locking them into a sanctuary is not that big of a deal-but the same action against a bunch of preschoolers by a bunch of young black or latino males would have a community in an uproar-that’s when we know the answers to the pertinent questions.  What is equitable and justifiable is what people want while the means-end application of principle is out of the window.

Kudos to Miss California for her forthright boldness and honesty while enduring another episode of heterophobia for believing in traditional family values.  Just as homosexuals have a right to their opinion, so does Miss California and every other Christian who opposes same sex marriage.


May 13, 2009

Bristol Palin: Abstinence Advocate

by MullOverThis

There’s more ridiculousness from the political family most commensurate to the  Bundy’s (Married With Children):  The Palins.

Bristol Palin is on a stupendous mission to convince teenagers that abstinence is the best policy as the Candie’s foundation teen ambasssador.  So, Jenny Craig should not have replaced Kirstie Alley.  Kirstie’s obesity makes her the perfect spokesperson for the weight loss company.  Look at Bristol, brand new teenage mother feuding with the baby’s daddy and his family:  ABSTAIN.  Look at Kirstie, actress with fluctuating weight: CALL JENNY CRAIG.  The anti-Bristol approach to abstinence may be more effective than selecting a fine young popular star who is abstinent.  Bristol  fell through “the cracks” of her mother’s abstinence-only sex education policies and ended up as the perfect poster-uh, morning shows and CNN live interview-child for abstinence. The young Palin should be working with momma to make sure her son has a relationship with his father and other family.  Who has time for the best interest of the innocent baby when she has a call to advocate what she could not  espouse and still admits is “unrealistic”?

Maybe Candie’s can find a role for Sarah Palin after her run as Alaskan governor.  Should Governor Palin then decide to advocate sex education, the corporation should make her pay for her own presentation kits.,8599,1896815,00.html

May 12, 2009


by MullOverThis

Provisional talent, Wanda Sykes, had the honor of presenting  fodder at the 2009 White House Press Correspondents’ dinner.  Of course, the on-again, off-again comedic actress received much criticism for her tasteless railings against the former administration and its  royalty,  and the specific commentary regarding Rush Limbaugh.

Wanda pushed the bucket hard enough to see whether the compressions would disturb the natural progression of crests and troughs in the predictable waves of laughter throughout the room.  Did she cross the line?  What line?  The bounds of decency or political correctness are more ambiguous each day.  At least, depending upon the valuation standards employed by the critics of the day.  Principled disapproval would certainly require any critics of Ms. Wanda’s nifty elocution to be up in arms against Rush Limbaugh’s continual blather. The thing about hypocrisy, is that it holds true whether one be of the left or the right, or of any racial persuasion.

What we should remember is that Wanda is a comedian.  It’s her job to push the envelope.  The correspondents laughed.  They even responded to the frightening imagery of the arms of some of the former First Ladies.  Additionally, she doesn’t have any shows that won’t be canceled before we can program them in the on demand functions, except for voice acting on the Nick network.  She had to make the most of her moment.  Wanda enjoys paying taxes and needs to make her money.

If you ask my opinion, and I know you didn’t, Mulloverthis says, “Leave Wanda alone.”  Rush has a much broader and regularly scheduled sphere of influence where he leaps from the precipice and takes many of his gutter audience members with him.