Archive for June, 2012

June 12, 2012

Creflo, Again!

by MullOverThis


Now, Creflo has an official mugshot for some sort of physical tuff with his teenage daughter. While MullOverThis is a firm believer in knocking children out when they need correction, I have a few concerns about Mr. Dollar:

1.  How does the grand mighty pulpiteer advocate getting physical with his teenage daughter, yet believes that people who praise God with the dance are too emotional?  Emotional praisers who run, scream, and holler can’t release and praise God, but Creflo can run, scream, holler and allegedly choke his teenage daughter?

2.  Creflo says his daughter’s account of the incident is not correct.  He happens to pronounce this in church, as if the pulpit is his blackboard or FB page to post announcements.  What kind of a father feels the need to clear his own name at the expense of painting his daughter as a liar?

3.  Creflo’s older teenage daughter corroborates her sister’s story.  So now, we have two lying Creflo children.  However this pie is sliced, Creflo does not look good.

4.  If the “chiren” are scheming against self-control when it comes to praise God, lack of self-control when disciplining his daughter Creflo Dollar, then why hasn’t the wonderful Taffi Dollar made a public statement about the challenges of parenting teenage children?  The mama who was not there for this specific incident is silent on the matter?  We know why: cause she knows precisely how things go down in the Dollar household.

Creflo needs to cut it out and stop trying to save face.  This is a private matter and he should keep it as such and protect his troubled daughters.  Whether their trouble is super pimp Creflo or they are just high end drama queens gone wild, they still need a father who will handle this matter with self-control.

Now, “Praise Him, Creflo!”  Maybe now Creflo just might get a real dance.