Archive for ‘Hilary Clinton’

April 14, 2014

Hilary Clinton Victim to Another Flying Shoe

by MullOverThis

Did this nincompoop actually throw a shoe at Hilary Clinton? You see what happens when lunatics grow up in a world where they are not taught to respect significant world changers?

Random thoughts:

1.  And to think, there would be a “whole lotta” men who would be roped in by that long blond hair. Look, nutjobs come with all shades of hair color.

2.  Hilary did not “dodge” the shoe. Clearly, she reacted to the footwear flying past her head.  Looky right ova here. Once she took that “swerve”, I can see that agility that probably has former President Bill Clinton hooked.

3.  I wonder what kind of shoe this woman forfeited. She must have really disliked the Mrs. Hilary Rodham Clinton to sacrifice a shoe.

4.  This is one instance in which I would have loved to see Hilary whack somebody. I would have looked the other way and reacted similarly to the way Mrs. Clinton did, AFTER I saw her “handle up” on the shoe-thrower as she did when the shoe flew past her skull.

5.  When the loose cannon sits in jail and hopefully gets a good dose of prison, she might want to think about what matters in the total scheme of life and get one.




May 12, 2009


by MullOverThis

Provisional talent, Wanda Sykes, had the honor of presenting  fodder at the 2009 White House Press Correspondents’ dinner.  Of course, the on-again, off-again comedic actress received much criticism for her tasteless railings against the former administration and its  royalty,  and the specific commentary regarding Rush Limbaugh.

Wanda pushed the bucket hard enough to see whether the compressions would disturb the natural progression of crests and troughs in the predictable waves of laughter throughout the room.  Did she cross the line?  What line?  The bounds of decency or political correctness are more ambiguous each day.  At least, depending upon the valuation standards employed by the critics of the day.  Principled disapproval would certainly require any critics of Ms. Wanda’s nifty elocution to be up in arms against Rush Limbaugh’s continual blather. The thing about hypocrisy, is that it holds true whether one be of the left or the right, or of any racial persuasion.

What we should remember is that Wanda is a comedian.  It’s her job to push the envelope.  The correspondents laughed.  They even responded to the frightening imagery of the arms of some of the former First Ladies.  Additionally, she doesn’t have any shows that won’t be canceled before we can program them in the on demand functions, except for voice acting on the Nick network.  She had to make the most of her moment.  Wanda enjoys paying taxes and needs to make her money.

If you ask my opinion, and I know you didn’t, Mulloverthis says, “Leave Wanda alone.”  Rush has a much broader and regularly scheduled sphere of influence where he leaps from the precipice and takes many of his gutter audience members with him.

April 15, 2009


by MullOverThis

Andy Warhol is credited with authoring the statement, “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.”  The pirates–and they are by no means heroes–seem to be taking their fifteen minutes of fame a bit too seriously.  Not only have they verbally committed to striking against US ships, but also to continue to target US ships as some sort of repercussion for killing their dingy cohorts last week.  You would think that the  estimated $150 million dollar gain from last year’s badwill piracy would help keep the thieves focused:  Keep on pirating and sequestering the spoils.  Do not invoke the attention of the world, and the wrath of the world police.   Keep on living the bling bling life after a hard day’s work from  traversing the seas, robbing ships, holding people hostage, and negotiating with the crew’s countrymen for money.  Now, the hellacious criminals  have to defend their sub-human honor and fight the ones that defend themselves.  They want to be part robber, part celebrity.  The Somali bandits will soon find that greed and pride don’t mix. 

Nonetheless, I am left with two questions:

1.  If these pirates are reachable such that they are issuing statements to the press, why are they still able to talk?

2.  Who is going to inherit their money–or will there be treasure hunts– when they are gone?


For updates on the situation, here are some articles with insightful coverage:

September 11, 2008


by MullOverThis

For an analysis of Philip Berg’s claims against Obama, please check out the website below:

Philip Berg is the attorney who filed suit against Barack Hussein Obama, the DNC, and Federal Election Commission challenging the authenticity of Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Hussein Obama’s requisite citizenship status for the US President.  The Herald Times reported, “In the past decade, Berg challenged the results of the 2000 presidential election, sued the Bush administration in 2004 for alleged complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks and filed a suit recently claiming that Sen. Barack Obama is not really a U.S. citizen.” 

Interesting.  Although many Americans were outraged by what many considered to be Al Gore’s ambush and  loss of a stolen presidency through fraudulent voting processes, we eventually settled for the Supreme Court decision and went with the flow.  We accepted the US Presidency of George Bush.  As our awareness of the alleged US involvement in the 9/11 attacks increased, many asked why weren’t there any challenges to this cover-up.  Some even demanded our incumbent President be impeached.  Berg was involved in filing suits to get answers and accountability.  Now that he dare to question Obama, critics have the nerve to say his actions should be dismissed and overlooked.  Obamamania should automatically prevail. Where is the allegiance to principle?  Do we dismiss it because we like this guy and it is too late? Where was this same remedy when the Gore/Bush countdown was a reality.  The Supreme Court settled it. 

On a day like today, when the calendar marks 9/11, for anyone who was cognizant during the terrorist attacks in 2001, we see how vulnerable we really are, in an instance of moment, when we are not prepared or aware.  Today, we know that intelligence reports were overlooked, discounted or simply tabled.  Today, we know that principle was compromised in many respects, not just because of mistakes or lapses in judgment.  To those who we look to uphold principles, we needed answers. 

Some things will never be fully disclosed in complete truth.  That is why we have the ability to seek justice.  Although Berg may not prevail in his case against Obama, he has the right to demand accountability when there are serious questions.  Principle and adherence to it, is what we need and expect.  Our expectation should not change when we might not like the outcome.  This is not an attack against a man because he is Black.  This is an attack against a man because this may be a literal loophole in his eligibility to satisfy the requirements to serve as POTUS.  Principle and adherence to the governing law should prevail, not our own political affinities or preferences.  The satisfaction of all constitutional requirements are not  just for pro-Hilary bloggers, but anyone who wants to know if a presidential candidate fits the bill according to the US Constitution.

See the Herald Times article on this lawsuit:

Mulloverthis:  If I am against drunk driving and outraged by it when no one in my backyard is harmed, I should still maintain the same principle, when I am committed to being morally consistent, it my own son is a habitual drunk driver and murders someone.  My views about the ills of drunk drivers don’t change because my son is on the dartboard.  I may have compassion and help him as much as possible and can even hope for leniency.  However, if it doesn’t happen, then when I’m upset, my feelings shouldn’t be directed towards anyone who asserted their rights to receive justice. 

September 11, 2008

The Lipstick, Pig, Pit Bull and the Maverick Pen

by MullOverThis

The campaigns from both sides of this election are reaping what they have sown, and are operating with minute integrity.  Can Obama’s reference to Sarah Palin regarding putting lipstick on a pig be moderately deemed sexist and worthy of wasted time?   After all, Palin smugly declared there isn’t much difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull.  Well, let’s not try and be objective at all in sifting through the rubbish to find reason.  Let’s look at the subjectivity of this comment, and use McCain’s own words, referencing Hilary Clinton’s previous health care plan and reform efforts as a guide.

Now, that settles it.  With such an obvious standard, Repubs can’t possible think that their candidate should be able to make such a derogatory reference to Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton’s work, and a few months later cry sexism when Obama makes light of this same reference inferencing McCain/Palin’s creative categorization of their policies and prior performance records. These comments were not directed to the person of  Governor Sarah Palin as the inflammatory Republicans, who must fatten themselves on freshly squeezed hypocrisy juice in the mornings, have suggested.  Where was Swift when McCain slammed Hilary’s plan with the same crafty commentary? 

Swift needs to go sit down, or confess that she put her foot in her mouth.  Since she is about fairness,  Swift should fairly rebuke her own GOP Presidential candidate for using the exact same terminology that is now so sexist.   I’m not quite sure if Palin is the least bit offended, because after all, Governor Palin is the self-proclaimed pit bull. The difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is–Lipstick.  Lipstick +pit bull =hockey mom.  And she is the hockey mom.  Are we to believe that the Repub convention backdrop is what made this funny? Acceptable? Laughable? Laudable? At least Palin’s bark is the speechwriter’s bite, evidenced by  her gutsy record in maverick moves like her flip-flop stance in stopping the Bridge to Nowhere, after she allegedly supported it, and hired lobbyists to secure funding for it. 

So, if there must be apologies and sincere repentance, John McCain, the new-found maverick, needs to be first in line for starting the fight. (As an aside, I love it when people re-invent themselves.  It must be nice living in that type of world, where you go to bed Clark Kent and wake up Superman, because you need to get ahead in the polls, when there are no comic strips around.)   Then Governor Sarah Palin should be next for coming on the playground and denigrating herself to  a pit bull with lipstick.   Surely, the pig in lipstick isn’t markedly different than the pit bull in lipstick, or the moose that she shoots.  Maybe the problem is the lipstick.  Or, maybe the so-called misogyny comes into play because the pit bull doesn’t eat slop like the pig who is–and this is a gutbuster– really uglier than the pit bull.   Let’s get the looks thing straight because that is of utmost importance in this election.  The rock star quality is what folks are looking for.  I wonder how relevant and useful rockstar-ness will be, should we be faced with another terrorist attack.  Along with our safety plans, let’s make sure we have the IPODs charged up so we can be inspired with looks and charisma over competency to make effective decisions, and establish realistic policies. (Sarcasm, folks.)

Then Obama, in order of offense, needs to go last. He could use some female sensitivity training and “sweety” de-programming.  Then Palin, McCain, Obama and Biden should all exchange hugs, cry a little bit, use facial tissues (the kind with the lotion in each one) and kiss and act like  we have: a mortgage industry that needs to be reformed, a plummeting housing market due to record foreclosures of family homes, an economy under duress, to balance the budget,  a need for  new gas and natural energy resources, global warming concerns, a war to end, a brewing conflict between Russia and Georgia that does not need to become ANOTHER war for the United States, to address the increased HIV/AIDS infection and death rates within the US (particularly among African American women and men), to address the world AIDS crisis, a need for accessibility and coverage for health insurance for all Americans, to eradicate abortion, to address teenage pregnancy (sorry, it’s still not cute or an untouchable because Bristol Palin is effected) and the alarming increase of STD’s among the youth, to continue to make educational reforms including affordable college tuitions and alternate schooling within localized communities, to re-visit international trade agreements, and the list goes on and on.  Let’s keep those tissues out.  We all have much work to do in the turnaround that must come in the next election.

It’s time for the whimps to stop reading the teleprompters and sticking to the scripts because they really don’t want to reveal  how ill prepared they might actually be to become  POTUS.  Since both parties are now the agents of real change, at least as far as their publicity is concerned, they need to for the gusto.  Show us what you are made of.  Tackle the real issues.  And Governor Sarah, that doesn’t mean bark with some red lipstick on, hockey mom, or re-load your firearm in record time.  It means all the mavericks, pit bulls, and lipsticks, need to know and come up with concrete plans to make sure that this downhill roller coaster ride our country has been on for the last eight years will be over.  McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden,  it is time to get on a new ride, soaring to lead Americans to  a more proficient landscape with opportunities for better lives.


MULLOVERTHIS. The Maverick Pen is retired for now.

September 9, 2008


by MullOverThis

Allegedly Philip J. Berg has filed a lawsuit challenging Barack Obama’s citizenship and eligibility to become the next President of the United States of America.    Mr. Berg claims that the case is NOT DISMISSED, and currently in the federal courts.  Visit the site below for a portion of the press release, case docket number/file name, court of competent jurisdiction, basis of the claim against NObama, and other supporting documentation.

This means that if NObama is disqualified in enough time, the DNC will meet with other Democratic leaders and institutions to determine who will be the Democratic Nominee.  Send the DNC a message that if this lawsuit is valid, and NObama hi-tails himself back to congress, there is no question to be determined.  The Hilary needs to be appointed.  Eighteen million Americans have already spoken.  We want Hilary. I’d love to see the Obamaniacs give Hilary and the Democratic Party the unity they require of Hilary supporters. 

The Hilary  will eat McCain and Palin for breakfast, lunch and dinner.



September 8, 2008


by MullOverThis

This is an incredible blog about community organizers.


September 2, 2008


by MullOverThis

Senator John McCain, the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America, selected Sarah Palin, current governor of Alaska, as his running mate.  Sarah Palin is the woman that Senator McCain expects the American public to support as Vice President of the United States.  McCain must have missed the Vice Presidency job description briefing.  This individual will be the acting President if he became incapacitated, and the President if he dies in office.  The only critical questions are who are McCain’s advisers, what part of his foot did McCain use to make this decision, and who is going to play “mother” to Sarah Palin’s five children while she may be the Vice President of the United States for up to eight years. 

Governor Palin has been hammered throughout the media and across dining room tables all over this nation as the most fool-hearty Vice Presidential pick since Dan Quayle.  The thought of Sarah running this country–if McCain succumbed during his Presidential term–is equally humorous and frightening at the same time:  Not because she has no national experience or foreign policy experience.  Governor Palin is a Christian and vocal anti-abortioncide politician.   She was a small town mayor and is currently in her first term as an executive leader as the Alaskan Governor, and is only running for Vice President.  The Democratic Nominee for President, Senator Barack Obama, has only one completed US senatorial term under his belt, and no executive or foreign policy experience.  Yet eighteen million people and counting have fallen prey to his charisma, wisdom in hiring and following the counsel of advisers, consultants, and marketing/media experts, and personal leadership style.  So the alarm for “what in the world is happening to our country” had already sounded when we put our incumbent President in office.  Then we had the nerve to put him in office again.  We are to believe that the best of the hopefuls include Obama (the most competent thing we’ve seen in political pull-ups who at least has a real adult politician on his ticket, Senator Joseph Biden) who is running against someone who we hope doesn’t take an earthly exit while in office (McCain, coupled with someone who just came out of the birth canal, yippee Governor Palin).  Has John McCain ever heard of the expression “the pot calling the kettle black”?  Obviously Obama’s relative inexperience cannot be a further concern for the GOP when their VP pick is a glorified soccer mom who just woke up as a politician, and desperately needs a 2008 savvy hairdresser and stylist.

With McCain’s selection of Governor Palin, I have a serious noteworthy proposal.  He can continue to solicit the support of pro-Hilary Obama defectors by appointing my mom as the Secretary of State.  I promise McCain, fingers crossed and hope to die live, that he will not find any scandalous incriminating evidence in my mother’s closet.  Nope.  Nada.  Zilch.  She is good to go and excellent at diplomacy.  If Palin can manage her 9,000, and be suitable for Vice President, then certainly my mom is qualified with over 30 years in the medical field to be the Secretary of State.  By the way, she has not interviewed with MTV political commentators like Governor Palin, but she has watched enough CNN, MSNBC and FOX News and argued with the political pundits (unbeknownst to them) in her own family room.  And, trust me, she takes them down every time.  My mom would at least have enough sense to hire the right personnel, and take their advice.  McCain could speak to my mother–maybe even twice or three times which is considerably more than he bothered to spend with Governor Palin–to be oversecure that she is the right woman for the job.  And, the whip cream on top asssurance McCain would have is true feminists wouldn’t have to be alarmed about her defying the advances of women who have proven that they can do it all–work and be real mothers at the same time.  All of my mom’s children are grown adults. Sarah Palin is the one with five children, four of whom are under age 18. This nation should not have to look at Governor and hopefully never Vice President Sarah and wonder does she know where her children are today.  Oh yeah, their father, the hired nannies and secret service agents will have to nurture her young.

With all of the criticisms of Governor Palin as the GOP Vice Presidential pick, the absent critique,  which is of utmost concern to this blogger is, is this true feminism?  A mother of five (with four young children) so engaged in her career that she didn’t have enough sense to say “no” when she got the invitation to run all over the country campaigning and could possibly have to put her children on hold for the next four to eight years, is supposed to be the picture of family values.  REAL mothers don’t write paychecks to pay other people to be the principle caretakers of their children.  Governor Palin just allegedly had a son with Down’s Syndrome.  The first few years of a Down’s child’s life are the most critical for development and will largely predict his ability to grow to be personally independent.  So, to the wiseguys who thought Hilary supporters would be drawn to the GOP ticket because Governor Palin is a female missed it.  Hillary mothered Chelsea Clinton.  Well-rounded women who are not selfish hedonists take care of the basics first.  Young human beings who did not ask to be conceived and born have a right to have a mother who is perfectly capable of being a mother to them, do what she signed on to do when she gave birth to each of them.  Governor Palin needs to go somewhere and sit down instead of contributing to the reason why so many of our children continually become inept adults.

This appointment to the GOP ticket shows that McCain is in this to win at the cost of our nation’s future if something happens to him.  If his judgment led him to pick Palin, then my judgment leads me to pick anyone but him.  Hilary. Palin. They can’t even be typed in the same sentence, more or less compared.  Obama/Biden may win by default.  Regardless of how much pro-Hilary voters may not have wanted to choose Obama, no one in their right mind can put someone in office who just may leave us with Palin as the President of the United States of America.  President Palin.  Someone, please get me an icepack. Now, I must retire and account for each precious moment.   I’m expecting a phone call from McCain’s camp any moment now for some sort of cabinet position to appeal to his young African-American female constituency.  My blog and political opinions should suffice as enough political experience.

July 24, 2008

Jesse and Obama: Can’t We All Just Get Along?

by MullOverThis

Democratic intra-party sparring continues as Jesse Jackson painstakingly made a co-guest commentator aware of his disgust for what he perceived as Obama “talking down to Black people”.  Jackson specifically referenced one of the Bush administration’s babies, the faith-based initiatives, betwixt and between the initial whispered tirade and denoted that he wanted to  “cut his [Obama’s]  balls off”. 

Here’s my take on Obama and faith based initiatives as posted on another blog:      “Obama’s decision to support faith-based initiatives is more so a strategic move to garner more of the conservative Christian support, and to fortify allegiances from African American clergy,  than it is to continue the programs and policies.   Obama is working to narrow the existent gaps  between himself, staunch conservative Christians and lingering African American Hilary loyalists.  Jesse Jackson’s commentary, albeit tasteless and possibly divisive, is reflective of how many African Americans feel about Obama but just are not willing to pronounce because after all, Obama just may be the first African American President of the United States.  Jesse and our local grass roots civil rights activists don’t need to look for another day job because their agenda is pretty much mutually exclusive to that of Obama.”   Expanding Bush’s faith-based initiatives as part of Obama’s hopeful Presidential administration would be part of the bi-partisan change that makes Obama the deal breaker for those who are disgusted with traditional political party lines.

As for Jackson’s insipid comments, I don’t think anyone would query with the fact that they were terribly unseemly in timing and substantive content.  That was bar room, sports locker, street level, gangsta-style hood talk.  We weren’t ready for that raw lingo on CNN or Fox News from a reverend.  Jackson simply “played” himself.  He failed to camouflauge his newsroom ready decorum until the cameras were completely turned off.  He might have even made the co-guest commentator uncomfortable having to sift through such refuse between takes. 

Jesse apparently has issues with how Obama addresses Black people and whatever his gripe is with Obama, I don’t think it should be taken as a general dislike for, or disapproval of, Barack Obama for President.  No politician, especially one of Jesse’s caliber and historical presence as a Civil Rights leader, is going to see eye to eye with everything Obama says, particularly when it boils down to the African American community.  Jackson and Obama are two different Black men who have incredibly different paths in life, political careers and national agendas.  Many civil rights leaders fare with Jesse in Obama’s approach to dealing with issues that affect our community.  Hence we can now appreciate the last minute trump  into Obama’s bandwagon and failure to endorse him as their candidate of choice–but support the campaign– until Hilary bowed out of the race. 

So, this Jesse Jackson faux pas was just that: a faux pas or boo boo.  This is not an egregious breach between two Black men.  Obama is going to have to work with the good old boys, blue bloods and old school civil rights activists to make it to the White House.   The race card sword is double-edged and since Obama’s campaign uses it, it just may swipe a good cut against themselves.  Obama can’t berate fathers in the black community on Father’s Day and not expect distance and an aftermath from leaders who have worked to publicly advance the imagery of African American men.  Clearly, Obama and his nifty advisors would not find it fitting to go to a mother’s day event and talk about individual responsibility and the social ills of manipulating women who cause men to walk away from full responsibility as fathers rather than endure eternal fighting. Nor would he focus on the increasing number of absentee and deadbeat moms.  There is a time and a place for everything, and with such a strong absence of vigorous speeches bolstering the African American community, Obama needs to lighten up on the rare insular communique he makes when addressing any African American demographic.

July 1, 2008

Obama & Clinton Meet to Unify the Democratic Party

by MullOverThis

I don’t think these two have the power to unify the Democratic Party.  They do, however, have the ability to put differences aside and make the best of the mayhem.  Obama and Clinton have negotiations underway with the genius of a familiar attorney to both of them–their book deal patron,  Robert B. Barnett.

Reputedly at issue are some housecleaning concerns such as Hilary’s campaign debt, her role in the upcoming national convention and on the campaign road, and the use of Clinton’s former staff in Obama’s campaign.  My advice to Senator Obama and his assortment of advisors is well represented in a mulloverthis comment posted on the Root:

“…To all Obamaites who think that he can win without the support of Clintonites, think again.  Obama BARELY won the popular vote.  According to presidential history, he did not prevail in enough key states to beat McCain in the delegate counts either.  Hilary moreso prevailed in the “major” states.  Unity–or at least settling for best of the least– is a prerequiste for Obama to be our next president.  So, Obama and his deluded champions need to calm down and figure out how to secure Hilary supporter votes and those of non-war non-Bush republicans.  That is the only way Obama has a chance.  Remember, he hardly beat Hilary, who could follow the leads of the other democratic presidential campaign drop-outs:  Hold a press conference, endorse Barack, and go on vacation. ” 

In other words, Obama needs to try his best to supplement Hilary Clinton’s expenses for the national convention and make Clintonites feel well-adjusted in transitioning to his camp, at least to the millions that will take the leap. Let this quest for unity be a litmus test for Obama’s ability to unify America. 

Obama, we are watching. You ought to be able to converge with one commander-in-chiefing woman.