Archive for July, 2015

July 27, 2015

On Bill Cosby

by MullOverThis

Poor Bill Cosby.  Tisk, tisk.

The efforts people will make to “take down” a Black man.

Too bad his trifling, pioneer date rape self (allegedly) didn’t think about these times when he used quaaludes to drug women so that he could have sex. Imagine what efforts these women would not have been able to make had he not done what he did.

Oops. I forgot what people actually do themselves cannot be dealth with when looking at the attacks against them, when “them” are Black males.


July 27, 2015

The Sandra Bland Arrest

by MullOverThis

The dashcam footage which has been released can be “read” both ways.

With the greater onus on law enforcement, it is clear that this arrest did not have to take place, was a play on authority, and should not have happened. It is also extremely possible that this arrest is NOT illegal, although it is textbook bad police work.


July 27, 2015

On Sandy Bland

by MullOverThis

Sandy Bland was murdered.

Howw do we know? Because her family said she would have never killed herself.

SM justice kicks in, and of course, bandwagon situationalists were already on the mountain rolling downhill, so they stopped right at this here blatant murder, which leaves me with a few questions:

1. Had Ms. Bland’s prior attempt to kill herself-last year-worked, who would they have to blame? Who would be the murderers?

2. What “work” has been accomplished since she attempted to kill herself over the loss of a baby in 2014 such that it is impossible for Ms. Bland to not have done it to herself, this time?

3. There have been several statements made by people who did not know Ms. Bland, but don’t miss any bandwagon events. There is a claim that she was not depressed. Who, exactly, is the woman in the YouTube video posted 4 months ago that spoke of her depression and battle with PTSD? Did the “set up” people pick a look-alike, tape it, post it online months ago, and then follow her until the day of her arrest and stage the entire confrontation to get her into police custody so they can murder this activist and use the excuse of depression and suicide to cover up and assassination?

4. Since when do other people declare what people are not, when the people in question have spoken themselves about what they are battling, mentally?

5. How successful would suicidal people be, if they were fully forthright with suicidal tendencies? How many people who survive the suicides of loved ones already knew their loved ones were capable of suicide? Is it possible at all that a woman who was in jail for 3 days with only a $500 bond who placed calls to numerous persons and not one of them posted bond immediately, who had been unemployed, just got a great position, also got a “fresh” assault charge to fight which certainly poses a problem for starting a new job, and just tried to do what her family thinks was beyond her a year earlier could possible have committed suicide?

We may NEVER know what really happened to Ms. Sandra Bland. I am not willing to dismiss significant recent mental history and her dialog with others who were in jail (witnesses) to believe that Ms. Bland was murdered.

There are several memes and of course, hashtags branding #ifidieinpolicecustodyididntkillmyself.  I just want to know for those who are on this bandwagon, how many suicide attempts have you had in the recent past?


July 3, 2015

Amber Roof Solicits Funds: Another GoFundMe Bungle

by MullOverThis

Yup. You have read correctly.  Michael and Amber had their dreams halted, smashed, crumbled, and upset by the public shame and bombastic inconvenience her brother caused her when he decided to execute 9 human beings on the basis of race. While the nation is mourning from a hate crime which impacted the entire Charleston, South Carolina area and people who have been terribly reminded that racist venom is still vicious enough to cause a 21 year old deluded man to end the lives of innocent people, let’s not forget the other ills and consequential damages:  this lunatic’s sister is also suffering with the loss of everything she hoped and dreamed for in planning her nuptials.

See, I can understand her pain.

Truly, I can. Who can’t empathize with her having to see her brother arrested and have to face the inevitable justice system which is going to put him away for the majority of his adult life? Who can’t empathize with the horror the entire Roof family probably felt in knowing that they are connected to such a depraved human being–a loved one? But, with all of the grace we must have, we also should help fund this tootsy pop’s wedding and relate to her devastation.

Only in America, can someone have such boldness and insensitivity to even think it’s a good idea to go raise wedding money when your brother has literally terrorized a nation with a hate crime of this magnitude. Of all of the things that have transpired–massive peaceful protests, government entities addressing the Confederate flag and the ills of the wicked influences that infiltrated this brother of this nincompoop, ordering grave stones, coffins, writing obituaries, re-structuring family life from day-to-day, mourning the loss of loved ones, re-building the faith in a community and leadership in a long-standing congregation–let’s not forget this clown’s interests cut from the most pungent narcissistic depraved indifference to human life pie ever made: poopy deserves her wedding.

There really is nothing more to say to this one, other than I wonder what the rest of this Roof family has to face in the aftermath of what Dylan Roof has done. Let’s hope missing the annual berry picking contest or losing Dylan’s worth as the one who takes out the kitchen garbage isn’t on their list.

So, GoFundMe has had to knock off another unethical campaign grounded in absolute lunacy.

