Posts tagged ‘GOP Presidential Nominee John McCain’

September 13, 2008

The Sarah Palin Juice

by MullOverThis


Republican presidential candidate John McCain listens as his ...

I must admit, I almost began to drink the Sarah Palin juice.  

After watching the interview that GOP VEEP Governor Sarah Palin had with Charlie Gibson of ABC News, I am really beginning to respect her.  Governor Palin has more guts than the pork barrels she has acquired for her Alaskan constituents.  She is rare and bold to sit on a chair in front of the entire world and answer the questions like a programmed android.  Here’s Governor Palin’s response to the Bush Doctrine question:

The fact that Palin is a Republican, or concerned American, might indicate that she should at least know what the incumbent President’s so-called fundamental reasoning and justification was in declaring war against Iraq in the first place.  With a GOP VEEP who believes energy is the “foundation” of foreign policy–and that she is an energy expert–our country is in for a delightful four years if McCain/Palin is inaugurated in January 2009.  Sometimes as one passes the threshold of danger, while on the continuum of threat to catastrophe, the next step is utter laughter to quell the realities of shock and impending harm because of ill-prepared leadership.  Rather than panic, we need to remain calm, cool and collected should Palin be POTUS before her time.  

Palin definitely has the makings of a great Presidential leader–one day.  With her confidence and audacity to declare her readiness without “blinking”, she already has the requisite choo choo train “yes, I can, I know I can” determination to get the job done.  If only that were enough. Palin needs to know what was broken in order to repair and bring reform to our government.  Touting generalizations about President Bush and our current administration’s mistakes is part of the battle.  To remedy and revive our country’s domestic concerns and international presence and respect, we need someone with knowledge of so much more than energy.

Nonetheless, Palin refused to appear frazzled.  She thrived and came back with circular jaron and rhetoric to emphasize her point.  If this is not one of most valuable tools that establishment politicians use, I don’t know what is.  A+ for pendantic calisthenics while refusing to answer the question, Palin.

September 11, 2008


by MullOverThis

For an analysis of Philip Berg’s claims against Obama, please check out the website below:

Philip Berg is the attorney who filed suit against Barack Hussein Obama, the DNC, and Federal Election Commission challenging the authenticity of Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Hussein Obama’s requisite citizenship status for the US President.  The Herald Times reported, “In the past decade, Berg challenged the results of the 2000 presidential election, sued the Bush administration in 2004 for alleged complicity in the Sept. 11 attacks and filed a suit recently claiming that Sen. Barack Obama is not really a U.S. citizen.” 

Interesting.  Although many Americans were outraged by what many considered to be Al Gore’s ambush and  loss of a stolen presidency through fraudulent voting processes, we eventually settled for the Supreme Court decision and went with the flow.  We accepted the US Presidency of George Bush.  As our awareness of the alleged US involvement in the 9/11 attacks increased, many asked why weren’t there any challenges to this cover-up.  Some even demanded our incumbent President be impeached.  Berg was involved in filing suits to get answers and accountability.  Now that he dare to question Obama, critics have the nerve to say his actions should be dismissed and overlooked.  Obamamania should automatically prevail. Where is the allegiance to principle?  Do we dismiss it because we like this guy and it is too late? Where was this same remedy when the Gore/Bush countdown was a reality.  The Supreme Court settled it. 

On a day like today, when the calendar marks 9/11, for anyone who was cognizant during the terrorist attacks in 2001, we see how vulnerable we really are, in an instance of moment, when we are not prepared or aware.  Today, we know that intelligence reports were overlooked, discounted or simply tabled.  Today, we know that principle was compromised in many respects, not just because of mistakes or lapses in judgment.  To those who we look to uphold principles, we needed answers. 

Some things will never be fully disclosed in complete truth.  That is why we have the ability to seek justice.  Although Berg may not prevail in his case against Obama, he has the right to demand accountability when there are serious questions.  Principle and adherence to it, is what we need and expect.  Our expectation should not change when we might not like the outcome.  This is not an attack against a man because he is Black.  This is an attack against a man because this may be a literal loophole in his eligibility to satisfy the requirements to serve as POTUS.  Principle and adherence to the governing law should prevail, not our own political affinities or preferences.  The satisfaction of all constitutional requirements are not  just for pro-Hilary bloggers, but anyone who wants to know if a presidential candidate fits the bill according to the US Constitution.

See the Herald Times article on this lawsuit:

Mulloverthis:  If I am against drunk driving and outraged by it when no one in my backyard is harmed, I should still maintain the same principle, when I am committed to being morally consistent, it my own son is a habitual drunk driver and murders someone.  My views about the ills of drunk drivers don’t change because my son is on the dartboard.  I may have compassion and help him as much as possible and can even hope for leniency.  However, if it doesn’t happen, then when I’m upset, my feelings shouldn’t be directed towards anyone who asserted their rights to receive justice. 

September 11, 2008

The Lipstick, Pig, Pit Bull and the Maverick Pen

by MullOverThis

The campaigns from both sides of this election are reaping what they have sown, and are operating with minute integrity.  Can Obama’s reference to Sarah Palin regarding putting lipstick on a pig be moderately deemed sexist and worthy of wasted time?   After all, Palin smugly declared there isn’t much difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull.  Well, let’s not try and be objective at all in sifting through the rubbish to find reason.  Let’s look at the subjectivity of this comment, and use McCain’s own words, referencing Hilary Clinton’s previous health care plan and reform efforts as a guide.

Now, that settles it.  With such an obvious standard, Repubs can’t possible think that their candidate should be able to make such a derogatory reference to Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton’s work, and a few months later cry sexism when Obama makes light of this same reference inferencing McCain/Palin’s creative categorization of their policies and prior performance records. These comments were not directed to the person of  Governor Sarah Palin as the inflammatory Republicans, who must fatten themselves on freshly squeezed hypocrisy juice in the mornings, have suggested.  Where was Swift when McCain slammed Hilary’s plan with the same crafty commentary? 

Swift needs to go sit down, or confess that she put her foot in her mouth.  Since she is about fairness,  Swift should fairly rebuke her own GOP Presidential candidate for using the exact same terminology that is now so sexist.   I’m not quite sure if Palin is the least bit offended, because after all, Governor Palin is the self-proclaimed pit bull. The difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is–Lipstick.  Lipstick +pit bull =hockey mom.  And she is the hockey mom.  Are we to believe that the Repub convention backdrop is what made this funny? Acceptable? Laughable? Laudable? At least Palin’s bark is the speechwriter’s bite, evidenced by  her gutsy record in maverick moves like her flip-flop stance in stopping the Bridge to Nowhere, after she allegedly supported it, and hired lobbyists to secure funding for it. 

So, if there must be apologies and sincere repentance, John McCain, the new-found maverick, needs to be first in line for starting the fight. (As an aside, I love it when people re-invent themselves.  It must be nice living in that type of world, where you go to bed Clark Kent and wake up Superman, because you need to get ahead in the polls, when there are no comic strips around.)   Then Governor Sarah Palin should be next for coming on the playground and denigrating herself to  a pit bull with lipstick.   Surely, the pig in lipstick isn’t markedly different than the pit bull in lipstick, or the moose that she shoots.  Maybe the problem is the lipstick.  Or, maybe the so-called misogyny comes into play because the pit bull doesn’t eat slop like the pig who is–and this is a gutbuster– really uglier than the pit bull.   Let’s get the looks thing straight because that is of utmost importance in this election.  The rock star quality is what folks are looking for.  I wonder how relevant and useful rockstar-ness will be, should we be faced with another terrorist attack.  Along with our safety plans, let’s make sure we have the IPODs charged up so we can be inspired with looks and charisma over competency to make effective decisions, and establish realistic policies. (Sarcasm, folks.)

Then Obama, in order of offense, needs to go last. He could use some female sensitivity training and “sweety” de-programming.  Then Palin, McCain, Obama and Biden should all exchange hugs, cry a little bit, use facial tissues (the kind with the lotion in each one) and kiss and act like  we have: a mortgage industry that needs to be reformed, a plummeting housing market due to record foreclosures of family homes, an economy under duress, to balance the budget,  a need for  new gas and natural energy resources, global warming concerns, a war to end, a brewing conflict between Russia and Georgia that does not need to become ANOTHER war for the United States, to address the increased HIV/AIDS infection and death rates within the US (particularly among African American women and men), to address the world AIDS crisis, a need for accessibility and coverage for health insurance for all Americans, to eradicate abortion, to address teenage pregnancy (sorry, it’s still not cute or an untouchable because Bristol Palin is effected) and the alarming increase of STD’s among the youth, to continue to make educational reforms including affordable college tuitions and alternate schooling within localized communities, to re-visit international trade agreements, and the list goes on and on.  Let’s keep those tissues out.  We all have much work to do in the turnaround that must come in the next election.

It’s time for the whimps to stop reading the teleprompters and sticking to the scripts because they really don’t want to reveal  how ill prepared they might actually be to become  POTUS.  Since both parties are now the agents of real change, at least as far as their publicity is concerned, they need to for the gusto.  Show us what you are made of.  Tackle the real issues.  And Governor Sarah, that doesn’t mean bark with some red lipstick on, hockey mom, or re-load your firearm in record time.  It means all the mavericks, pit bulls, and lipsticks, need to know and come up with concrete plans to make sure that this downhill roller coaster ride our country has been on for the last eight years will be over.  McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden,  it is time to get on a new ride, soaring to lead Americans to  a more proficient landscape with opportunities for better lives.


MULLOVERTHIS. The Maverick Pen is retired for now.

September 6, 2008


by MullOverThis

IF I WERE A BETTING WOMAN, I’d bet a snicker bar that Obama wished he put Hilary Clinton on the ticket as his VEEP choice.  The Palin Appeal and sudden celebrity wouldn’t have half its luster if Hilary were headed to the White House.

Maybe the beauty queen should stop acting like a beauty queen/model in taking such impactful political gigs, as in posing for Vogue’s Cover.  These types of publicity and marketing ploys weaken Palin’s  girl power co-horts’ quest to see her  valued for her “accomplishments” and  viewed through non-sexist categorizations.   Palin should spend the time necessary to equip herself to be a competent VEEP.  She could afford for a college student who just passed a class on US foreign policy to teach her some basic essentials.  We know she just brushed up on what a Vice President of the United States does. Some C+ student with rock star quality can handle the job with some great gumption.  For the sake of the people, Palin can’t afford one more glam lipstick job.  All this hypocrisy is too much for one election season.  When Obama poses like Phillip Michael Thomas, a yonger Billy Dee Williams, or Denzel Washington, instead of capturing the great look and image of a US Senator, then Palin and her feminizers can continue with the potato bucket full of hog feed.  Palin can’t “turn up the volume” on covers capitalizing her looks–which Obama reasonably could because he has the rock star appeal as well–but want to just be another politician who happens to be a woman and wants to be treated equitably.  Palin can’t pimp and play the beauty queen card if she doesn’t want to be handled as such.

If Palin must do more photo shoots, hopefully Trig will at least be the focus so he can cause the scales in Palin’s mind to be more weighted for him.  It must be a challenging thing for a special needs child to have to compete with his mama’s entrance to the world stage.

September 5, 2008


by MullOverThis

This author claims to have known Governor Sarah Palin since 1972.  He too, identifies and speaks quite well for himself:


And, the co-horts claimed she has made accomplishments in education and the school systems.  Again, what are Sarah Palin’s accomplishments? 

Where are the letters from Alaskans who can chronicle Sarah Palin’s accomplishments?

September 5, 2008


by MullOverThis

Click here  to see how some social workers feel about Palin’s comment against Obama’s community organizer experience:

September 5, 2008


by MullOverThis

One day, Americans are going to figure out that Sarah Palin didn’t write her RNC speech.  Enough people are going to know that the Obama slams weren’t her own.  Mitt Romney wrote every word of his speech.  He didn’t need the RNC to script his words to the American public.  Governor Palin did what Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, and Susan Sarandon do.  Actors take a script and bring life to the lines and make it believable.  Gorgeous, sassy, big smiling, seems like she is a real spitfire fighter Palin doesn’t cut the mustard because the Vice President needs to bring so much more to the table;  Especially one appointed by a Presidential nominee who is old and already a gamble himself having already lived through serious health challenges.  McCain better hope the day America gets past the Palin hype is not before November 8.

While most can’t help but like Palin and can’t deny her appeal, after we live long enough we realize that you don’t have to like the mailman.  We just need him to deliver the mail.  Mail personnel sweet as pure sugar cane who are always late, or deliver our mail to the neighbor down the street are not needed.  Palin is by no means an ineffective Governor, or at least her approval rating indicates that her constituency is more than satisfied with her performance.  Alaska hasn’t been able to see the calm after the storm.  Palin hasn’t even completed one term as Governor of Alaska.


Yet, we are notified of Palin’s “list of accomplishments” by a handful of her female GOP high ranking counterparts when being scolded for Palin’s sexist treatment.   We are being asked to take a leap with a Governor whose list of accomplishments were never specified because they just may invoke laughter by the average corporate business executive or CEO who has accomplished greater goal-end objectives  in the first quarter of the fiscal year during a RECESSION, than what Palin has during her entire stellar politicanship. 

 Somebody with a GED has a “list of accomplishments”.  My first line of questioning to Governor Palin’s co-horts is what exactly are these accomplishments?  Filing suit against the federal government for enlisting bears as endangered species?  Firing the chauffeur, chef, and re-directing their income to the budget?  Firing all those connected with her pursuit to terminate her former brother-in-law’s employment?  We can’t afford not to be real.  What are Palin’s achievements?

I only have one message for Former Governor Jane Swift, Carly Fiorina, and these GOP women sensitized to sexism who will not permit Governor Palin to be demonized by the media on the basis of sex.  Mothers are women. Men cannot be mothers.  The best man cannot be a mother.  Children NEED mothers, just like they need fathers.  Women and Men are not completely interchangeable with no distinctions.  Neither are mothers and fathers.  The laws of this country recognize these REALITIES.  So, when these women who are so sensitive to sexism that they want to defend a mother of five–four of whom are minors, one of which is an unmarried pregnant teenager (this does not become cute because someone has put a shirt and dress shoes on the young daddy and they profess their love for one another), and the infant son has special needs–to justify her conscious choice to pursue a cream of the crop career, I have a kind suggestion for them.  Defend the fathers of this nation who live with the imbalance of legal protections given to mothers BECAUSE THE LAW AND THE REST OF THE COUNTRY RECOGNIZE THAT WOMEN ARE PRESUMED TO BE THE PRIMARY CARETAKERS OF CHILDREN, BECAUSE CHILDREN NEED TO BE NURTURED, AND ALL ANIMAL SPECIES THE FEMALES FEED AND NURTURE THEIR YOUNG.  Women cannot expect to benefit from the protection of the law and then don’t want any type of public accountability for their lack of responsibility.   When all of these hypocrites who want mothers to have the right to mother without interference UNLESS SHE IS UNFIT (or chooses to relinquish custody of her children) can see that their ideals should not stop with Palin and continue into the family courts and mediations across America, then we’ll give Palin a send-off to NEGLECT her children for a career.  That’s when we’ll accept that our expectations are biased simply because she is a woman.  Most men who are RESPONSIBLE fathers co-parent and negotiate responsibilities to ensure their children are protected, provided for and nurtured to become the best human beings.   Fathers and mothers make sacrifices every day for their children.  This will be the day that judges look at the best interest of a child based upon which parent is better equipped to parent, and can give a child a better life.  There is no real equity in this regard.  

All of the Gloria Steinhem, estrogen, and red lipstick will not change the fact that women who decide to have children should be committed to the welfare of their children first, not country first.  Home first.  Family first. That is when we will have a better country. This progressive feminism appears to be a carte blanche excuse for women to do whatever we feel like doing to be free.  Killing millions of unborn babies is not freedom.  Neither is choosing a career that will cause a mother to neglect her children during the prime of their developmental stages as opposed to the prime of a woman’s life.  It’s time for the beneficiaries of feminism and female solidarity to move beyond women.  Our children are the first ad litem expenses to false equity and freedom.

So, Palin’s sisters in the struggle speak up.  Now, I, along with many other Americans speak up.  We have a right to let Palin know she is mother with BAD judgment.  When her water broke with her special needs son, she should not have waited to make her speech.   Child’s life versus her moment in the spotlight to make a distinguishing speech must have been in the scales of her mind.  To the average mom, this was not even a decision.  Palin chose to wait to make her speech because she was not going to miss the moment.  She then choose to get on a flight and travel approximately 10 hours to deliver the baby.  BAD JUDGMENT. Period.

Finally, if Palin and her female sensitizers don’t want her family values questioned, Palin shouldn’t have been selected, in part, because of her family values and position against abortion, sex-education, and so forth.  Bristol still has a baby daddy, with his hard sole dress shoes and all.  Although she is human and we all make mistakes, Governor Palin addresses the mis-steps and choices of other people’s lives when she decides to be a proponent of abstinence-only education and is anti-abortion.  She is in the homes of Alaskans already.  Now, she wants privacy concerning her teenage daughter with a baby daddy.  Where is FOX News when we need them?  Hypocrisy in pristine suits or with a red, white and blue bikini toting a firearm isn’t cute on the bull-dog Palin, or her defenders.

The bottom line is Governor Palin should be qualified when in immediate succession to the President of the United States. 


Moderators Note: Additional scenario to mullover:  If Palin were a Black woman with a teenage pregnant daughter, a bunch of kids, just had a new special needs baby, and wanted to pursue a once in a lifetime demanding career, who would stand up for her and defend such a choice?  Would our sensitivities tell us that she needs to take care of her children? Do we just “leave it at that” because the mother loves her children?

September 4, 2008


by MullOverThis


Allegedly, one of Sarah Palin’s neighbor’s wrote an open letter regarding her knowledge of Governor Palin.  The author identifies herself and speaks quite well for herself.  Check out the link below: