Posts tagged ‘John McCain’

September 5, 2008


by MullOverThis

This author claims to have known Governor Sarah Palin since 1972.  He too, identifies and speaks quite well for himself:


And, the co-horts claimed she has made accomplishments in education and the school systems.  Again, what are Sarah Palin’s accomplishments? 

Where are the letters from Alaskans who can chronicle Sarah Palin’s accomplishments?

May 15, 2008

Call for DNC to Deal Fairly

by MullOverThis

Lou Dobbs posed the question to his guests on today’s show, “WOULD EVERYONE HERE AGREE THAT THIS IS A BROKERED NOMINATION?”  The press and political pundits have already dropped out of the race before all the votes have been counted.  TIME Magazine’s cover story  is “And the winner is…” with a picture of Barack Obama.  The so-called experts have moved on to the question of will Obama beat McCain.  Yet, the reality is that neither Obama or Clinton have enough delegates to secure the nomination.  So, if Hilary is squeezed out of the race for the cause of “unity” within party ranks, the Democratic party can concentrate on ending the White House Republican regime.  Ignore the polls showing that the majority of democrats want the race between Hilary and Obama to continue.  

I have a solution.  Since there is this urgency for synergy within party ranks to prepare for  McCain, let the movers and shakers call for Obama to drop out.  His lead over Hilary in the popular vote is like splitting hairs.  Super-delegates will pay attention to the popular vote.  John Edwards endorsed Barack Obama, which is not surprising at all.  Although Edwards made a number of gratuitous comments regarding Hilary, he stated he believed the “man” for the job was Barack Obama. Consequently, the super-delegates committed to Edwards may transfer to Senator Barack Obama.   The good old boys are squeezing hard. It is hard to believe that if Hilary were a white male with the same stats and prospects in the remaining primaries, there would be so much pandering and overt requests to just give up.

Clinton believes she may still win the nomination.  Clinton’s call for Michigan and Florida’s delegates to not only be seated, but their votes counted (representing over 2.3 million popular votes) during the DNC convention is controversial.   Obama was not on those tickets, so he will not get any delegates if these votes are counted.  This, according to some commentators, will not be fair to Senator Obama.  The rights of United States citizens to have their votes counted should not be balanced against what is fair to the leading candidate.  This Obamamania is starting to make some otherwise reasonable individuals delusional.  Since when are voting rights contingent upon how it will affect a candidate’s standing?  Well, the pressure is on to make one contender the winner.   The mele is politics-as-usual, whether Obama wants to admit it or not.

Those who still have to vote, do not fall prey to the influence of those who have already decided there is a Democratic nominee.  Know that your vote is supposed to count.  Media bias may dissuade some people some of the time, but it won’t fool all of the people all of the time.  The press will continue to distort commentaries to feed a spin–as in alleging that Hilary relied on working class people, white people, to get the win in West Virginia to substantiate the Clintons and their race card tactics–while the only people who will really pay the piper are the Americans who drink the kool-aid and fall for the hype.   


May 1, 2008

What Will Happen With McCain, Hilary, Obama and Wright

by MullOverThis

Reputedly, McCain’s campaign has counted Hilary Clinton out.  What a demonstration of pompousity to its height.  Or, maybe this is just the type of touting we can expect from two men who appear to be quite frustrated with having to take Hilary as a serious contender in the first place.  The Pennsylvania win and current edge Clinton has against McCain in some of the latest polls is not enough for McCain to consider.  But the latest AP poll showing Hilary has a nine point lead over McCain as the most likely President should not fall on deaf McCain ears.  Seems like the old boys network is tightening its ranks to squeeze Hilary out of the race, as momentum builds for her candidacy.  So the defection of a former DNC chairman super-delegate to endorse Obama is not a surprise.  The subtle impression these moves would try to give the public is that Hilary can’t beat McCain so why even pay attention.  But the reality is, she can beat McCain, and probably would fare better against him than Obama.  So to those who don’t have earplugs in while crossing a busy street against a red stoplight and the warning hand sign, don’t fall for the hype.  The boys feel the pulse of too much happening for Hilary that just may put her in the White House.

One thing we do know, either Hilary or Barack will have to bow out within the next few weeks.  The DNC Chairman has put up the flag and one of the hopefuls must quit to foster unity within party ranks to beat McCain.  I really don’t think this will be quite difficult, because once press coverage narrows to the Democratic candidate versus McCain, McCain own words will push voters to make sure we don’t have a borderline Alzheimers patient in office.  Even his honorable military service can’t justify the concept of 100 more years in Iraq.  Forget McCain’s temperament.  Something must be wrong upstairs to think that Americans will tolerate another term in Iraq, more or less another century, if necessary.  Hopefully, Americans will put someone in office who will have the wherewithal and  ability to get us out much sooner.

Hilary just needs to keep campaigning and focus on her agenda.  She does not need to capitalize on any Obama or McCain mishaps or blunders.  These gentlemen are about to box it out with one another.  Obama needs to focus on his campaign and issues that will repair the breach his comments have made against the working class.  There is no advantage, whatsoever, to dwell in  Pastor Wrightville and attempt to disassociate or denounce any of Wright’s statements or actions.  Obama, in my opinion, slaughters his own credibility by acting as if his former Pastor’s commentary and mentality is a news flash to him.  Again, no real-life church member sits and is an active part of a church for 20 years and does not know the heart and sentiments of the pastor. 

If any one thing can be credited with reversing Obamamania,  Pastor Wright holds the winning ticket.  Pastor Wright feels the need to be as arrogant as he possibly can in providing pedantic context to his messages which he claims was discolored by biased repeated airings of sound bytes and edited clips.  This mission of Pastor Wright’s, of course, since he can’t even make himself appear to be humble, cannot wait until the criticism dies down so that Obama can begin to recover from public scrutiny for sitting under a man who can justify cussing from the pulpit.  And, Wright’s weak-kneed current attempts to cloak his inappropriate editorializations in the guise of the prophetic tradition of the black church is aggregious. 

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Although I may be young, I have been in the black church for almost 40 years.  This pulpiteering may have existed at Obama’s church, amongst others, but is by no means a tradition of the black church.  Here we have another decrepid use of the race card.  Most importantly, authentic prophets don’t take the time to keep explaining why they had to obey God and speak what they were ordered to speak, when it is real prophecy, particularly to an audience that has absolutely no ability to comprehend such an explanation.  So Wright needs to SIT DOWN and enjoy his retirement because this explanation is not cutting the mustard.

If Obama is to recover, he simply needs to keep campaigning and ignore Wright.



For more on this topic, peruse the articles below:

March 27, 2008


by MullOverThis

For those of you who said you don’t want another Bush in office, I guess that disqualifies Obama according to a genealogy report.  Obama appears to be related to both Presidents Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, President Ford, and General Robert E. Lee. McCain appears to be a part of the Bush family tree as well.

So if you are slightly disconcerted by the Bush dynasty’s reputed use of the US Presidency to secure its infinite wealth and power to the demise of hundreds of American lives (check out Michael Moore’s documentary Farenheit 9/11), you will be challenged to vote according to your convictions.  The report says that Obama is a tenth cousin, once removed, from his relatives, the Bushes.   I’d love to see a family portrait with Michele Obama, the budding Senator Obama, and both Bush Presidents. 

Bilary just may take this!