July 27, 2015

On Bill Cosby

by MullOverThis

Poor Bill Cosby.  Tisk, tisk.

The efforts people will make to “take down” a Black man.

Too bad his trifling, pioneer date rape self (allegedly) didn’t think about these times when he used quaaludes to drug women so that he could have sex. Imagine what efforts these women would not have been able to make had he not done what he did.

Oops. I forgot what people actually do themselves cannot be dealth with when looking at the attacks against them, when “them” are Black males.


July 27, 2015

The Sandra Bland Arrest

by MullOverThis

The dashcam footage which has been released can be “read” both ways.

With the greater onus on law enforcement, it is clear that this arrest did not have to take place, was a play on authority, and should not have happened. It is also extremely possible that this arrest is NOT illegal, although it is textbook bad police work.


July 27, 2015

On Sandy Bland

by MullOverThis

Sandy Bland was murdered.

Howw do we know? Because her family said she would have never killed herself.

SM justice kicks in, and of course, bandwagon situationalists were already on the mountain rolling downhill, so they stopped right at this here blatant murder, which leaves me with a few questions:

1. Had Ms. Bland’s prior attempt to kill herself-last year-worked, who would they have to blame? Who would be the murderers?

2. What “work” has been accomplished since she attempted to kill herself over the loss of a baby in 2014 such that it is impossible for Ms. Bland to not have done it to herself, this time?

3. There have been several statements made by people who did not know Ms. Bland, but don’t miss any bandwagon events. There is a claim that she was not depressed. Who, exactly, is the woman in the YouTube video posted 4 months ago that spoke of her depression and battle with PTSD? Did the “set up” people pick a look-alike, tape it, post it online months ago, and then follow her until the day of her arrest and stage the entire confrontation to get her into police custody so they can murder this activist and use the excuse of depression and suicide to cover up and assassination?

4. Since when do other people declare what people are not, when the people in question have spoken themselves about what they are battling, mentally?

5. How successful would suicidal people be, if they were fully forthright with suicidal tendencies? How many people who survive the suicides of loved ones already knew their loved ones were capable of suicide? Is it possible at all that a woman who was in jail for 3 days with only a $500 bond who placed calls to numerous persons and not one of them posted bond immediately, who had been unemployed, just got a great position, also got a “fresh” assault charge to fight which certainly poses a problem for starting a new job, and just tried to do what her family thinks was beyond her a year earlier could possible have committed suicide?

We may NEVER know what really happened to Ms. Sandra Bland. I am not willing to dismiss significant recent mental history and her dialog with others who were in jail (witnesses) to believe that Ms. Bland was murdered.

There are several memes and of course, hashtags branding #ifidieinpolicecustodyididntkillmyself.  I just want to know for those who are on this bandwagon, how many suicide attempts have you had in the recent past?


July 3, 2015

Amber Roof Solicits Funds: Another GoFundMe Bungle

by MullOverThis

Yup. You have read correctly.  Michael and Amber had their dreams halted, smashed, crumbled, and upset by the public shame and bombastic inconvenience her brother caused her when he decided to execute 9 human beings on the basis of race. While the nation is mourning from a hate crime which impacted the entire Charleston, South Carolina area and people who have been terribly reminded that racist venom is still vicious enough to cause a 21 year old deluded man to end the lives of innocent people, let’s not forget the other ills and consequential damages:  this lunatic’s sister is also suffering with the loss of everything she hoped and dreamed for in planning her nuptials.

See, I can understand her pain.

Truly, I can. Who can’t empathize with her having to see her brother arrested and have to face the inevitable justice system which is going to put him away for the majority of his adult life? Who can’t empathize with the horror the entire Roof family probably felt in knowing that they are connected to such a depraved human being–a loved one? But, with all of the grace we must have, we also should help fund this tootsy pop’s wedding and relate to her devastation.

Only in America, can someone have such boldness and insensitivity to even think it’s a good idea to go raise wedding money when your brother has literally terrorized a nation with a hate crime of this magnitude. Of all of the things that have transpired–massive peaceful protests, government entities addressing the Confederate flag and the ills of the wicked influences that infiltrated this brother of this nincompoop, ordering grave stones, coffins, writing obituaries, re-structuring family life from day-to-day, mourning the loss of loved ones, re-building the faith in a community and leadership in a long-standing congregation–let’s not forget this clown’s interests cut from the most pungent narcissistic depraved indifference to human life pie ever made: poopy deserves her wedding.

There really is nothing more to say to this one, other than I wonder what the rest of this Roof family has to face in the aftermath of what Dylan Roof has done. Let’s hope missing the annual berry picking contest or losing Dylan’s worth as the one who takes out the kitchen garbage isn’t on their list.

So, GoFundMe has had to knock off another unethical campaign grounded in absolute lunacy.



June 24, 2015


by MullOverThis

Roxane Gay wrote an Op-Ed piece for the NY Times addressing why she can’t forgive Dylan Roof.

While the massacre of 9 people has led to a plethora of issues and campaigns on the “back” of such a tragedy, many are focused on discerning the underlying and recognizing the all so obvious racial under and overtones of major players in the status of race relations in America. Interestingly, Sis. Gay has been inspired to write this piece with the very relevant context that although she is not immediately connected to the people or events from this shooting, her Blackness and humanity put her in the very place to be unforgiving: certain things are beyond forgiving.

This article should NOT be ignored. It expresses the very reason that those who cannot fully “gel” with this #Blacklivesmatter movement are resistant.  What Dylan Roof has done is “beneath her contempt”.

I wonder if Black men in a Philadelphia shooting 3 children and 7 adults is beneath her contempt. What “factors” make deliberate actions taken by gunmen to wilfully take lives–whether their shots are successful or not–ace the meeting of this standard?

The color of the gunman’s skin?

The color of the body bags?

The repeated history of unjust killings?

The fact that these patterns of unjust killings continue without end?

When DeathwhileBlackbyBlack occurs what do the answers to the foregoing questions look like? They do not differ when families are mourning their lost loved ones. Hypocrisy is a wicked character trait and is dangerous when one has a voice to fuel it in others.

How is it that since Dylan Roof executed those 9 people in South Carolina, there have been 3 mass shootings of BLACK PEOPLE where murders have been committed, and these events are “normal” news reports?  Because some people have the same make-up of Roxane Gray. They are moved beyond moved when racial animus is involved. The world flips upside down and evil and the “unforgivable” take place when once again, White people continue to do what White people have historically done.

MullOverThis does not expect any SM banter about we must remember the names of those wounded or killed in any of these 3 murders sprees injuring numerous Black people. These very defendents will automatically be defended by the school to prison pipelines, disenfranchisement of the Black family, privitization of prisons meant to keep Black men shooting their own so the prisons can be filled with lifetime felons, and every over-arching institutionalized racism reason as justifications for why we can “SMH”, “Wow”, “that’s so sad”, “We need to do more for our youth”, “We need some more programs to give Black men hope” and every other empassioned commentary in instances of #deathwhileblackbyblack. There will be no memorial and review of who these people shot actually were.  Why?  Because they are the very ones who we visit in jail, love, and “pray for”, not issue unforgivable justifications why the very same act another commits, makes the other unforgivable.

It is clear as day that all of these ills need to include prejudice and hypocrisy. If Dylan Roof is “unforgivable” solely on the basis of his White racist-ness, then all of these other Black murderers out to be the same on the basis of their Black self-hatredness and terrorism to their own.

It is clear as a warm sunny sky that many people hate racism more than they love their own. Their own perish daily, in like manner, but…there is no need to pen articles about the unforgivable acts of Black men who assassinate their own families, associate, friends and those they do not know.

You don’t even have to be religious to forgive. You definitely don’t have to be religious to be appalled by unjust treatment when race is involved, HOWEVER the pendulum swings when a lethal weapon is in the hands of an assailant who kills without cause.

All Black lives matter, not just the ones unjustly taken by White people or police brutality.


June 17, 2015

Father’s Day Is Not Mother’s Day?

by MullOverThis

Had I not seen this heart-wrenching ad from Johnson’s, I would not have even known.  Go figure.

Who would think that on a day designated for FATHERS and the appreciation of them, we should sit around honoring MOTHERS when we already have a day to celebrate moms?  That would be completely insane because it is logical and makes good common sense. But, since what is intriguing and debatable is what most people stuck in the dark ages would call foolery, nonsense and pure stupidity, by today’s standards, this ad makes good marketing.

On Father’s Day, let’s pay tribute to the Mothers who aren’t and can never be Fathers, unless Caitlyn Jenner and her crew are the honorees.

On Father’s Day, let’s act like Mother’s Day isn’t the time to honor Mothers and focus on Mothers to completely emasculate men a little bit more.

Let’s celebrate the moms who do it all by themselves, oftentimes because they have chosen to eliminate the fathers of their children from the family. You know, the ones who move out of state because of a job opportunity, or to start a new life–as if dads aren’t essential and can be part of the “old”. The single mothers who aren’t going to be told what to do with “MY” kids by “ANY MAN” should definitely have extra Johnson’s products to wipe away their tears on such a day. The single mothers who really never raise children by themselves, but discount, ignore and don’t appreciate anything fathers do for their children and obstruct good relationships between fathers and children should be upheld, right? The single mothers who refuse to co-parent and continually express their disdain for any input from fathers as “control” want their props on this day and now, Johnson’s helps to foster this “rightness” with an ad paying homage to moms, on Father’s Day.

What a blip.

Undoubtedly, there are single mothers who have become single because of the loss of husbands or fathers who have passed away or are legitimately unavailable. Others have become single moms because they picked fathers from a portfolio; There are single moms who have been abandoned and regardless of what they do, fathers will not acknowledge or raise their children; There are single mothers who praise the fathers who are great dads and appreciate the men who stand by their children. There are wonderful single mothers–these are the ones who “tend” to be sane and sound enough to know that Father’s Day is for Fathers and they are NOT men, will never be men, don’t want to be men, don’t want recognition as such, and are happy to be the best MOTHERS to their children.

It’s a shame or nowadays, an act of bravery to stand up and declare how wonderful a woman has been in being a mother & father in her child’s life on Father’s Day because she has been a mother and father. I’m fine with this craziness because scalloped potates is now vegetable lasagne.

When Mothers can simply accept the fact that they are not the best fathers, cannot fulfill the role of fathers, and are great moms–if they are–we’ll be back to a better place in the family.

As a woman, this move towards acknowledging moms on Father’s Day needs to stop. Focus on celebrating FATHERS. If you cannot look around and find an uncle, co-worker, barber, son, cousin, butcher or tennis coach to celebrate as a father, then try sketching a porcupine for the day.


June 12, 2015

Wait A Few Cotton Picking Minutes

by MullOverThis
FILE - In this July 24, 2009, file photo, Rachel Dolezal, a leader of the Human Rights Education Institute, stands in front of a mural she painted at the institute's offices in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Dolezal, now president of the Spokane, Wash., chapter of the NAACP, is facing questions about whether she lied about her racial identity, with her family saying she is white but has portrayed herself as black. (AP Photo/Nicholas K. Geranios, File)

FILE – In this July 24, 2009, file photo, Rachel Dolezal, a leader of the Human Rights Education Institute, stands in front of a mural she painted at the institute’s offices in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Dolezal, now president of the Spokane, Wash., chapter of the NAACP, is facing questions about whether she lied about her racial identity, with her family saying she is white but has portrayed herself as black. (AP Photo/Nicholas K. Geranios, File)

Cotton picking minutes are still minutes.

It’s just that these kind of minutes are hard and longer minutes to those who pick cotton, or understand the intensity of working in bondage and heat as captives.

Rachel Dolezal is under fire for identifying herself as part Black. She has assumed the identity of a Black woman and all of a sudden, this is a problem.

Now, when mixed-race people identify themselves as part Asian, or Tiger-Woodish, they are self-hating Black folk. Tiger Woods is NOT Asian! Not when he looks at the Asian momma who raised him, as Asian as she is and as Asian as her womb was when she pushed him out. He’s Black because he has dark skin and his daddy is a Black man. His racial identity has to be Black, regardless of his reality and environment.

The Mariah Carey’s and Halle’s of this world “better” not think they are White or Caucasion by the historic iota of a drop of Negro blood legal roots and its corresponding imprint in cultural norms to define a person’s race. Some social constructs have chains with locks that work to bind and to free depending upon the agenda. Don’t deny your heritage, and don’t identify with another when folks died for you to be who you are based upon your identity.  Whites and Blacks both seem to take issue with people who are “visibly” Black and want to think of themselves as anything other than Black. Self-hatred and Sell Out mentalities are the next in line notions, aren’t they?

What exactly is the problem here? This woman’s parents identify themselves as Caucasions. It logically follows that all of their natural born children ARE White and should identify themselves as such. Of course it does. And it historically, educationally and culturally follows that Africa is the “mother” of civilization. These same Black folks who have a twisted chip flavored with a mesquite bitter root Black bark on one shoulder conveniently forget the other shoulder’s claim–with strength I might add–that Black people are the ones who White people come from anyway. Illogical, contradicting weights on shoulders has to make a person tired. Real tired. And, dizzy. Black definers just may want to sit down and catch thy heads and thoughts, and bring them to an equilibrium so we can at least know who is truly qualified to be culturally, ethnically, socially or racially Black in America.


A professor who has studied and now teaches Black studies should espouse her motherland heritage. At what point in her lineage does she get to chop off her motherland roots head and Blackness from her forefathers and foremothers? Do the same intelligencia, comics and commentators who call Negroid, Black, Colored, or African American people sell outs because they don’t speak with an urban vernacular, they aren’t Black, even though they are very Black, get the privilege to set the point? No, Rachel can set it for herself. She is qualified.

Oreos aren’t Black.

Sell outs aren’t Black.

People who don’t agree that Mike Brown could not have been shot in the chest while running away from cops or keep his hands up with multiple gunshot wounds, aren’t Black.

People who don’t want to use #Blacklivesmatter hashtags ONLY when crimes against Blacks committed by Whites take place, but notice Black lives in black body bags when Black folks kill or maim each other aren’t Black.

When Black people aren’t Black, and White people aren’t Black unless it’s time to argue that Jesus is Black and civilization began with Negroids producing all spectrums of skin-colored human beings, it seems to MullOverThis that its high time for Rachel to be Black.

She has been passing or legitimately Black for years. Her record for passing isn’t nearly record-breaking; she would have had to have been like her Black sisters who passed for Whites for years because they wanted the privilege of being free and enjoying “White privilege” and sheer freedom when their darker-skinned blood didn’t have this shade-bred option.

Since most Black people think the NAACP is about Negroidism as opposed to working to advance the equal rights of all people in America with commitments to work for those who cannot represent themselves and have been historically underrepresented and oppressed, the front man and now “woman” is supposed to be Black. Well, she is Black by many standards of what constitutes “Blackness” when ignorance is bliss and an operating welcome mat from the most educated and prolific to gin and juice drinking Black people in America is placed at the Black front door.

Anybody who’s down with the cause is usually Black, right? If it isn’t, when did that change?

Her regional NAACP presidency is not reserved for Black people. It’s reserved for qualified people: the same kind of qualified people who began the NAACP who were not Black and were Caucasion. The board of the NAACP looked like the Civil Rights movement constituency: Black, White and people who were committed to equitable human rights in America for all people.

So, Mrs. Rachel, welcome to the table you’ve been setting with advocacy and education while critics have been upgrading remote functions to yell at flat screen televisions and pick their nostrils. People who are about that life don’t really care how you identify yourself or if your mama stepped out with Mr. Bill, or not.

The Puerto Ricans who have never been to Puerto Rico and identify themselves with their culture won’t ever undergo such scrutiny; Neither would any legitimate Black person who had White enough skin to pass and was raised among a bunch of White children and naturally saw herself as the same.

Rachel, if your racial classification is a lie on the basis of social constructs, the acknowledgement of the evolution of the human race to produce these constructs is a lie. I’m quite confident that you don’t convince yourself that you are one of “them” when you look at your husband, children or siblings who look just like you.

You are Black enough for me and many other women who were born to a White parent and had to dilute Whiteness–as if that is the pure standard–and be deemed Black or other. Whatever you consider yourself to be, be that and work for the equality of all people.

If Ann Coulter gets a weave with red and pink strands, we will have to re-write civilization.



June 12, 2015

Hello World!

by MullOverThis

It’s been a moment since I’ve been on this blog.  Great to be back. MullOverThis hasn’t lost the sharp-shooting, sarcastic, hilarious ability to stir up a good conversation about just about anything.  There have been so many great events that have occurred since I’ve posted, but the good thing about whenever the time comes, there is so much from which to choose.

May 15, 2014

On Ann Coulter & Bring Back Our Country

by MullOverThis


I’m all for freedom of speech.

I’m not concerned about the fact that Ann Coulter is popular.

Most people who oppose her on the basis of her typical disregard for those who are not her kind cloaked in brash legalese and seeming care for this country, are “over” her.

As I woman, I’m not even concerned about the fact that her neck is extremely unbecoming to our gender and the tossed hair look is old and tired like…Well, in spite of her typical nastiness in the name of patriotism, to view Ann often requires us to view torrid broken hair.

People have asked when did she lose her soul. Here’s a more poignant question: When did she ever have one?

Ms. Coulter, who has been genetically pre-disposed to Whitey privilege masked with elitism, is an interesting creature among us. See, Annie Pooh thinks that right-wingism disguises the real essence and worth of her being. The thing about her kind is that they are often vocal about the ills and pangs of having to live among the left, those who we are supposed to believe are largely responsible for the continual degradation of America.  It’s an extremely interesting notion and thought process when human refuse wants to represent the standard of a good American and chime in as much as she possibly can on the actions of others while we cannot comprehend anything past the stench of what comes out of her mouth.

I’m so glad America is so much bigger than the journalists who are allowed to interview Annie Pooh again. Talk about privilege! What will the rest of the media do without access to one ANNE COULTER? She must be bigger than the font in caps you just read, in her mind.

This nation is full of people who understand that we exist as part of a global community and to be in support of the Bring Back Our Girls campaign is our obligation. With all of Annie Pooh’s upper crust life ingredients–an ivy league degree and an attorney with an impressive career–you would think that she had a modicum of common sense, wouldn’t you? Terrorism. Lawlessness. Mass kidnapping. Murder. Rape. Has she paid attention to international affairs? This was not the “time” to spoof off BBOG to bring attention to her right-wing agenda. It was tasteless but only people with taste buds would know that.

Oh, and if you want to know why Ann is Annie, I can’t help but grin and call a child trapped in a woman’s body something a bit more endearing and applicable to such an infantile blabbermouth. All of the best selling books she has will not change the fact that those who are not her kind will always exist and give her something to yap about.

In all things, I try to glean some learning experience. From this blog, I will test the hypothesis that human taste buds are connected to the soul.


Here are my hashtag contributions to world affairs: Annie Pooh’s latest stunt because she is not as big as size 14 Font more or less the world:








April 30, 2014


by MullOverThis

No one can blame another for when someone flips out and does the unexpected.

The thing is, we need to pay attention to the tell tale signs that we live with, daily. Am I to believe this young man just woke up, decided to walk into his job dressed like Rambo and act like he was in a real movie scene, fired shots that injured 6 people and took his own life?

“Honey, have you heard from Sammy? He’s a little late coming home from work today.”

“No, actually, I haven’t. Dear, are you watching the news?  Put on CNN. Oh my! It looks like someone shot up the gas station.   Oh my! They say the gunman looks like Sammy!  Oh my, could Sammy be that far gone?”

Yes, Sammy can. There is no way someone is that far gone and NO ONE noticed a thing. Let’s stop ignoring what we will one day not be able to live with because when these tragedies occur, those who are “shocked” by their loved one’s human depravity also suffer losses. It is better for Sammy to be under the treatment of a mental facility than to go to a premature grave while attempting to take others with him.
