Posts tagged ‘HumanEvents’

May 21, 2009


by MullOverThis


Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich has done it again.  The crowned king of heart wrenching Inflammatory Jargon has called for the resignation of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House.  Newt’s call for action surrounds Pelosi’s wimpy and allegedly disingenuous response to whether or not she knew of the now inhumane use of waterboarding as an “enhanced interrogation” tactic against detained al Qaeda suspects.   Nanci clearly stated that she was misguided,  and the CIA misguides Congress all of the time.   Homegirl says she was briefed, and alludes to a mere cursory mentioning of it in 2002. She blamed her lack of information–or brain freeze–on the CIA. Newt and other conservatives believe this weakens the national security of the US, in the largest connect the dots slippery slope argument I’ve seen in a long time.

Here’s what I think: When there’s a rat in the house, set all different kinds of traps. Whichever one catches the critter first, is the winner. Whether Newt’s cry against Pelosi is legitimate or not, Mulloverthis has been waiting for this day. Pelosi can take her anti-Christian efforts and influence some place else.

Anyway, we all know, Pelosi isn’t going anywhere without a fight.  FAGHEDDABOWDIT.