Posts tagged ‘Bishop IV Hilliard’

December 29, 2011

Shame on Paula White & Her Croonies

by MullOverThis

Check this out:  Paula White and her former husband, Randy, divorced.  Randy pastored their mega church.  After the mega was going minor, clearly Paula came back and assumed the role as Senior Pastor.  She is the one with the world-wide ministry and “name”.

Zachary and Riva Tims divorce.  They were at some point in time, allegedly a son and daughter of Paula White when they were still married and co-pastored the NDCC.  Upon the divorce, Riva Tims was not permitted to come to the NDCC.  Go figure, because she helped to plant and water that ministry.  Nonetheless, the drug-addicted world-galavanting pastor passed away, with the public awaiting a toxicology report.  For what? To see if “Zach” laid down as opposed to “Pastor Zachery”, according to the illustrious split-personalities Bishop TD Jakes introduced at Tims’ funeral to try to Biblically justify the NDCC pastor’s heinous lifestyle?  Normally viral cheating husbands who spend boat-loads of money on trips with women and drugs aren’t our ideal men.  Only when one hosts TBN, has a bunch of high-profile ministry friends and a big church does this “type” become a poor hero.

Anyway, NDCC church board members don’t even meet with the other church founder, Pastor Riva Tims, in appointing a successor.  They continue in the spirit of their former pastor who banned his ex-wife from her pastoral role at NDCC.

Clear-cut message folks:  Riva was banned from NDCC because of personal issues.  Do I need to type the obvious conclusion, here?  They put her out of the way, and now who is out of the way?  NDCC needs a new leader and Paula White comes to save the day.  What makes Paula White think someone who had that church in her vision, labored and spent years of her life to build for the Lord shouldn’t even be afforded a meeting?  The same Paula White that went back to Without Walls and salvaged her works that she put her life into?  Oh, yeah.  I’m sure it’s the same Paula White.

Although church leadership and successorship isn’t based upon natural lineage because Christ’s lineage as the High Priest to the Body of Christ after the order of Melchizedic undoes this concept (there is no traceable biological lineage), clearly, when God has called, equipped, prepared, ordained and released one to serve as a leader in planting and shepherding, His will isn’t a board room decision.

Paula White needs to go somewhere and have a seat.  I suggest it not be NDCC.  For months, the church parishioners have stated they want their “Mother” back.  Paula needs to step out of the way and the Board of Directors at NDCC need to let Riva Tims be restored to a ministry that she has had the LIFE to lead.  This matter shouldn’t have ever arrived at the point where Riva has to sue to be reinstated as NDCC leader.
