Posts tagged ‘Faith’

April 20, 2009


by MullOverThis

Not really.  I don’t believe atheists, agnostics, and people of “spiritual paths” other than Christianity are necessarily fearful of Christians.  But since this “homophobia” inflammatory jargon designed to disengage legitimate opposition to the homosexual/gay agenda is now politically correct, I thought the use of the phobia tactic is apropos solely  for illustrative purposes.

The truth is many homosexuals/gays-and those who are simply perceived to be homosexual–have been beaten, persecuted, marred, murdered and discriminated against simply because they are believed to be  homosexuals.  This denigration of humanity is never acceptable.  We need not discuss the historical and current persecution of Jews, Christians, and African-Americans through mass genocide and the like.  The annals of utter hatred against these classes of people cannot be justifiably encapsulated in one blog post.

Yet, the disdain and intolerance of the homosexual lifestyle and agenda is met with a nifty  “phobia” marking. The connotation is as if the logical one who does not agree suffers from some unreasonable fear of what is otherwise simple or normal.   I think it is safe to say, most people do not have “fear” of homosexuals or homosexuality.  The disapproval, rejection and opposition to a thing are not necessarily synonymous with “fear”.  I can’t stand onion rings.  My personal preference is to never have onion rings.  My failure to order onion rings, or efforts to vote them off of the fast food menu does not mean I fear them.  I have made a valuation and judgment that they are not desirable and are not good, although many people may prefer and love onion rings.  My personal beliefs regarding homosexuality are clear:  it is not a desirable lifestyle.  I’m not scared, nor am I ignorant.  I just don’t agree.

My belief system is firmly rooted in my faith and commitment to Christianity.  Need I be “converted” to another point of reason by one whose belief system is rooted in self by way of intellect, education, philosophical affinity or life achievement?  To another woman’s valuations based upon impulse and present life goals and experiences?  To another person’s values because he is good?  To the current trend of thought because it is increasingly common?  The opinionated Christian—not all of us are this involved—has her right to reason to a final resolve just like the non-Christian. We do not enjoy blanket classifications about how we live and respond to the questions of life any more than anyone else.  Our opinions and right to be involved in the political process is no less weighty because we serve the True and Living God.  We need not cow-tow to those who wake up and go to bed and the world should be as s/he thinks based upon the breadth of knowledge s/he has thusly consumed, or those who heighten the import of the human experience.

There is no civil system of government where the law is not largely composed of moral codes.  However a man identifies his own beliefs and morality, and that system of government employs that man’s belief, it is what it is.  Christians have every right, PARTICULARLY SINCE THE UNITED STATES IS FOUNDED UPON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN PRINCIPLES, to stand up for what we believe and what we do not believe.  A crucial tenet of the faith is that God is the Creator and loves all men.  Yet all will not believe what we believe.  We are to share our faith because the relationship with God and benefits of being in fellowship with God are available to everyone.  We are prepared to encounter those who do as we often do to other belief systems:  REJECT the faith. We must simply keep on believing and keep on living.  So then, are we dealing with Christianphobia when some atheists, agnostics, and people of other religions do not accept and conform, form interest groups, create and produce programming released through various media outlets to promote their beliefs, lobby for their beliefs to be encoded as statutory rights, file zillions of frivolous lawsuits, actively discriminate against Christians, endanger the lives of Christians, and fight to thwart the values of Christianity because what they believe should be?



Note:  Not all Christians share this view. The emphasis of the Christian message is that we have all been born in sin, shaped in iniquity, and have the grace of a loving, merciful God to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

April 13, 2009


by MullOverThis

I’m a bit late on this one.  However, I’ve got to self-evaluate when mulloverthis is in sync with Rush Limbaugh.

I’m glad President Obama has white teeth, a great smile, a wonderful family and the best-dressed wife since Jackie O.  The rock-star qualities and its’ worth stop right about there.  I too, hope that our dear President does not succeed on a number of his so-called commitments.  Principally, his avid support of abortion is a no-no.  I hope all of his endeavors to secure the right to kill babies at will, and all of the other inflammatory emotional ploys to justify fetus, embryo, and/or baby killing goes down the drain.  Although it is highly unlikely, because too many people that matter support abortion, I will still hope and pray.

So kudos to the Bishops at Notre Dame who dared to challenge the worthiness of an abortion rights supporter for a graduation speaker.  Thank God some people of faith still have enough gumption to draw the line.  The last thing people of faith should be smiling and waving at is anyone who helps stop life. 


September 5, 2008


by MullOverThis

Click here  to see how some social workers feel about Palin’s comment against Obama’s community organizer experience:

August 20, 2008


by MullOverThis

Obama definitely has audacity. 

Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain joined host, Pastor Rick Warren, at the Saddleback church for an interview aired on CNN.  Both presumptive Presidential nominees answered the same questions at separate times, one-on-one with Rick Warren, in front of  thousands.   During his interview, Obama sat in a church and justified why he is in support of gay marriage, homosexual rights, and abortion–while declaring that he is a Christian and Jesus Christ saved him by grace.  Watching the Christian rationalize baby killings because to determine when life begins is above Obama’s “pay grade” (his own words) is enough audacity.  But, there is more. 

Obama unleashed more of his glaring introspective thoughts when asked which United States Supreme Court justices would he not have appointed.  Obama didn’t hesitate or stutter.  Clarence Thomas. Here is the reasoning Obama stated, “”I don’t think that he was a strong enough jurist or legal thinker at the time for that elevation, setting aside the fact that I profoundly disagree with his interpretations of a lot of the Constitution.”  This, off course, is coming from a former editor of the Harvard Law Review and a corporate attorney.  Obama has wet his feet in the practical legal and political world compared to the Senators who were on the confirmation committee and thinks he is qualified to judge the competence of Justice Clarence Thomas’ jurisprudence.  Interesting.  Especially from a man who wants to be President of the United States, with only one full-term as a US Senator under his belt, and eight years as an Illinois Senator.  Compared to his colleagues and competition, Obama needs to sit down and say “sike” (slang for I was only playing) by his own standards. 

Here are some facts:  At the time of Justice Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court appointment, he had already been confirmed by the US Senate (many of whom have law degrees and legal backgrounds) for appointment to the US Court of Appeals for the  D.C. Circuit, one of the most honorable court appointments in the land.  Thomas wasn’t appointed to the Supreme Court from being a traffic court judge, or a scripted court television judge.  Prior to the Circuit Court appointment, Thomas-a Yale law graduate- also worked in an attorney general’s office, was an Assistant Secretary of Education, and was the  CHAIRMAN of the  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for almost eight years.  Justice Clarence Thomas already had experience as a jurist on one of the most esteemed courts of the land when he was appointed, yet ankle-deep Obama cited Thomas wasn’t strong enough. 

So then, we are to believe that Obama is strong enough to be PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, while Thomas wasn’t a strong enough jurist or legal thinker to be onemember of the highest court in the judicial branch of our government.    Obama better be careful before his house negro mentality yields trouble for him during the rest of his campaign, and if elected President, when he gets into office.  He has obviously been in the house so long that his vision is tainted.  Obama’s candidacy alone suggests that he sees himself as capable and his experience on the Presidential track is not even comparable to that of Thomas’ on the judicial track at the time of Thomas’ appointment to the US Supreme Court.  Obama’s grossly skewed assessment of Thomas is not only condescending, but completely inappropriate in light of the increasing hostile climate (based upon beliefs that Black people are unqualified and given free-bees) pro-White extremists have towards Black Americans because of our insurgence in politics, education, business, ownership, religion and otherwise.  Hopefully Obama’s deep musings will reveal his own audacity to try to discredit the qualifications of the only Black justice on the Supreme Court.


With the God of the Heavens as my judge, after writing the above post, I searched for other opinions on this topic, and found the following link:



May 1, 2008

Juanita Bynum on Divorce Court

by MullOverThis

In case you were wondering what her appearance was all about, check out the clips.

I have never seen divorce court spend so much air-time highlighting any special guests and their own lifestyles or issues.  So, this appearance is probably aimed at increasing the show’s ratings.

Whether or not Bynum’s appearance served ministerial purpose is really a question that only those who she spent time with can answer.  Nonetheless, I’m sure this won’t stop the philosophizers from philosphizing and waking up again tomorrow, having not demonstrated notable service outside of their own needs or interests to anyone else who has been substantially impacted by their lives.  Meanwhile, again Bynum has used her personal life experience to provide insight for someone else.

After being stomped by an unrepentant husband who still denies any real wrongdoing, it is easy for Bynum to identify with and tell another woman to love oneself enough to stop the domestic abuse before it cannot be curtailed.


March 27, 2008


by MullOverThis

If you don’t know by now, this is not the politically correct blog. 

Thomas Beatie, allegedly a  transgender he-she, is a legal man after having had a sex change (kept her reproductive organs).   Mr./Mrs. is now married to a woman and pregnant.  Another human being who felt trapped as a woman, had to convert her being to be identified as a man.  This feeling is completely distinct from a woman just staying female and living as a lesbian with another woman.  Transgenders have to have the proper sexual identity, which is completely different from the sexual acts or preferences.  So now the former female who now lives as a man has a swelling belly and is reportedly a man having a baby. 

Newsworthiness:  a woman thinks that adding and taking away organs and flooding her body with hormones can change her sex.  The rest of the world needs to maintain enough sense to know that male human beings-men-cannot have babies.  So while this he-she is giving birth from a female womb that she was born with, whether her thought processes allow her to acknowledge the fact that she is still a woman or not, when they cut open the womb and deliver the baby, I hope the proof cries real loud. 

Meanwhile, I’ll be praying that those who choose to believe the Word of God do not fall prey to this  and other influences where everyone loves the “anything goes” lifestyles.  We live in a world where as long as no one is hurting anyone, everyone can live any way they choose to live, even when it defies how God made them.  Those who believe and are awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ must be watchful, because there are not too many more lines that can be crossed or blurred with legitimizing all of the demonic strongholds that mankind has embraced with a picture and a smile.   Jesus loves all of His creation.  Everything God created He loves.  Christians draw by love, but we also have a responsibility to lead others to knowing the fulness of Christ.  That includes what Christ hates and does not accept according to the Word of God.  Sin will cause God to separate Himself from what He loves.

Transgenders are a protected class according to the law.  But when it is all said and done, there is a higher law.  Mulloverthis.

March 19, 2008


by MullOverThis

Regardless of where one fares with whether Obama should be our next President or not, Senator Barack Obama’s speech was telling. Because of his diverse racial and ethnic make-up and up-bringing, clearly Senator Obama has an understanding and appreciation for race and its impact from a familial to institutional level in our country. HOWEVER, the empassioned truths that the dear Senator shared from his own life experience and reality may address, but does not answer or resolve, the fact that Obama is a member of a church with a Pastor who has on too many occasions made inflammatory racist remarks. This is a slippery move to align Senator Obama with the Black church and the Black community and explain why he cannot denounce Jeremiah Wright. Jeremiah Wright is not similarly analagous to the Black Community. Neither is Minister Farrakhan, one who Jeremiah Wright allegedly supports. Those who choose to sit under this type of leadership in a pastor make that choice. There are a plethora of politically astute Black male pastors who are empowering this generation to be effective citizens and fight against racism and do not employ language two notches below a good Nation of Islam speech, all in the name of Christ, to do so. Seems like Obama’s speech and its efforts were genuine and will log into the annals of time for great moments in American Politics. But, it was too greasy to stick regarding the Jeremiah Wright issue.

Obama CANNOT claim to be 20 year member of his church to authenticate his longstanding faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world and not know the voice and messages that the pastor preaches/teaches. He cannot legitimately claim that he was never present and in being absent, be shocked and categorically deny the objectionable commentary by Jeremiah Wright. We are to believe that every time Obama’s pastor went off the meter, Obama just did not walk through the church doors. No one in their right or left mind, sits in a church for 20 years and does not know the message, heart, voice or vibe of their pastor and other spiritual leaders. Not unless you really weren’t at church in the twenty years, or you were doing like Bill Clinton and I did, taking naps in church.

So while so many of us were inspired by Senator Obama’s speech, the leap to connect the history and present racial animus in this country against Black people does not excuse Jeremiah Wright and his motivational messages birthed out of a real anger. Mr. no more politics as usual Obama needs to go back to the drawing board and practice being the different kind of politician that he says he is going to be as the agent of change, right now. Tell the truth Senator Obama. Your Black militant pastor has been militant, and you knew it. You could not choose your grandmother or your pops, but you can and did choose the pastor who teaches you, your wife and your children.

Obama’s knowledge of his Pastor’s sentiments does not mean that he completely aligns himself with them, he may just understand them and appreciate all of the other good that comes from listening to Jeremiah Wright’s messages. This entire pastoral relationship and slick defense of it by attaching the Black community as the band-aid, does lend some light to Michelle Obama’s slip a number of weeks ago, where she stated, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m proud of my country…” The need to try to correct this Obamamania stump with the real and present “racism in America” issue while subtlely heightening the insensitivity of those who question Obama’s loud-mouth pastor who has crossed the line is disingenious in my opinion. Of course, I invite you to share yours…

For more on this topic check out the links below:

Has the Reverend Jeremiah Wright episode changed your opinion about Barack Obama?